DL Open Thread Monday, Feb. 12, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 12, 2024

Joe Biden might be old, but he still has enough juice to rig the Super Bowl. He even got within half a point of nailing the over/under.

A PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy Jr., on the other hand, pissed away $7 million on a 30-second ad – a rerun of a 1960 JFK ad with this sex creep’s* picture substituted for his uncle’s. It earned widespread scorn and mockery, including so much pushback from the rest of the Kennedys that RFK Jr. apologized to them. So, money well spent, I guess.

The Trump EPA approved three weedkillers that it never should have, and a federal judge in Arizona last week ruled that it broke the law in doing so. Like president, like lackeys.

This is hardly news, but a new report found that prescription drugs cost three times as much in the U.S. as anywhere else. Surprisingly, generics make up the vast majority of the medications, and they’re cheaper in the U.S. than elsewhere, but the price of patent-protected pills is so high it more than makes up the difference. Another win for the not-at-all-free market.

A Chinese New Year celebration in San Francisco turned weird when a crowcrowd in Chinatown set fire to a driverless Waymo taxi. Tell me again about how seamless the transition to robot everything is going to be.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. SussexWatcher says:

    Damn! How’d the crow light the robocar on fire?

  2. Biden was set up–by a clueless AG and a politically-motivated prosecutor.

    This Merrick Garland should never have been AG:


  3. Arthur says:

    What was with the kennedy Terminator glowing eye in the ad?

  4. John Kowalko says:

    I think Nikki Haley should run a national ad asking “Donnie” if Melania has enlisted in the armed forces and been stationed overseas or has she simply run away from home? Speaking of “missing” spouses I don’t see her and haven’t seen her at the Orange man’s side in over a year. Wassup Donnie?

    John Kowalko

    • Beach Karen says:

      Melania is in pics with him and the Ramaswamys in Florida, first time she’s been out since her mother died a few weeks ago.

      • John Kowalko says:

        Yeah, pics under “house arrest” at Mar-a-Lago. Probably photo-shopped into images of the “lard-man”. Or are they pics of his Melania look-alike attorney desperately trying to collect her fees.
        John K.

        • mediawatch says:

          Saw some pics from a couple weeks back of her not letting the Big Orange ride in the same limo with her after the funeral service.

      • Alby says:

        The Ramaswamys? Jesus, the fucksticks do stick together, don’t they? The little pipsqueak better keep his hand on his wallet.