Delaware Liberal

Et Tu, Kathy?

More precisely:

Et Tu, Kathy?

When the chief law enforcement officer of the State poses with the, at best, ethically-challenged Lieutenant Governor, we can be pretty certain that there will be no justice when it comes to BHL’s serial flouting of campaign finance laws.  Disgusting and disappointing:

When women lead, the job gets done…

Whether we’re protecting reproductive rights or fighting for high quality public schools, affordable healthcare, and good paying jobs and opportunities for all.

There’s a long history of strong, ambitious women leading in Delaware – and with your help, I will do my part to continue that legacy and make the First State the best place to live, work, and raise a family.

In the case of Val Longhurst, BHL, Kathy McGuiness and, it now appears, Kathleen Jennings, they will cross whatever ethical lines they need in order to achieve their goals.

Give me Sarah McBride, Kyle Evans Gay, Madinah Wilson-Anton, Marie Pinkney, Laura Sturgeon, Tizzy Lockman and the strong ambitious women who strive to lead Delaware for the right reasons.

I felt certain that Kathy Jennings belonged with them. Now?  Doesn’t look like it, does it?

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