Delaware Liberal

Poll Results: Democrats in Disarray

Atrios over at Eschaton captured the folly of Democrats dwelling on Biden’s age with one sarcastic headline: “Let’s Spend Weeks Talking About The Fact That Our Candidate Is A Drooling Vegetable”. But talk about it we have, so let’s find out who the readership favors to carry the Democratic banner in Biden’s stead.

Oh, dear. The No. 1 candidate captured less than one-quarter of the vote. The full slate:

Gretchen Whitmer 22%
Gavin Newsome 19%
Josh Shapiro 18%
Kamala Harris 12%
Mark Kelly 6%

Others 12%

So even if Democrats agreed to remove Biden from the ballot – or, far more likely, if he should suffer some health crisis that prevented him from running – there’s no clear-cut choice to replace him. Maybe we should cross that bridge if we come to it rather than burn it down in retreat.

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