Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Weekly: March 1-7, 2024

OK, so I’m a day late with this.  What are you gonna do, cancel your subscription??

1.  Some Guy Named Eric Hansen Files To Run For US Senate As An RAllegedly ‘quitting the corporate world’ to run for office.  The corporate world, in this case, meaning Walmart:

Eric started his career working at well-known companies like Proctor & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson. However, he spent the bulk of his career as an executive at Walmart – the uniquely American company that is built on lowering prices so people can live better. At Walmart, he made sure that brands like Equate, Parent’s Choice, and others could be just as good as the national brand, but half the price. He and his team saved the country almost $25 billion while he was at Walmart. Because of his work, the average household in the U.S. still saves almost $300 per year. That’s real money staying in your pocket, not empty promises from self-serving politicians.

He did all that?  Did he mention slave wages and almost non-existent benefits for employees?  Probably, guess he just didn’t want to brag too much.  What was he, president of the fucking company?  An altruistic guy, though:

After years of frustration that our great state of Delaware was not living up to its potential and that career politicians were making things worse, Eric decided to do something about it. He is leaving the corporate world to dedicate himself to Delaware, to the nation, and to you by running for the U.S. Senate and forcing real change.

Gotta say, looking forward to covering this candidacy…

2.  State Rep. Bryan Shupe Gets An RWNJ Primary Challenger?  Looks that way.  Only by the standards of RWNJ’s could Shupe in any way be considered a moderate.  However, this guy has filed to primary him.  Patrick Smith.  Why is he running?:

Delaware needs more vocal and visible Republicans to step to the forefront and lead instead of wavering on our fundamental values.  In a district chock-full of great conservative citizens, it is imperative the representation be matched!

The 36th RD may, or may not be ‘chock-full of great conservative citizens’.  This Suxco district includes parts of Milford, Lincoln, Ellendale, Cedar Neck, Broadkill Beach, Slaughter Beach and parts of Milton.  Lotsa farmland as well.  Current registration totals:  R: 6602;  D: 6400; I:  5202.  In Suxco in particular, the independents skew R.  The percentage of registrants for each party hasn’t changed much since the 2022 election, the number of voters has just decreased a bit.

Still, it might be worthwhile for a D to step forward.  If the primary gets heated and if Smith wins, there might be a narrow path to victory for the Democratic candidate.

3.  Two Candidates File For Wilmington City Council At-Large Seats.  Danielle Covington and Alex Hackett, both D’s.  I couldn’t find anything on Covington.  There’s a Danielle Covington who is a pastor, and there’s a Danielle Covington who used to work for Capital One.  They could be the same Danielle Covington, but there’s nothing I could find online to tell me whether she’s either, both, or neither.  It appears that Hackett has run before.  He had a page for a candidacy in RD 3, and another page for a candidacy in City Council District 5.  I searched the election results back to 2016, and could find no record that he had previously run.  So I’m guessing he was planning to run at one time or another for RD 3 and City Council 5 before settling on the At-Large seat.   Anybody out there care to fill me in on either or both of these candidates, preferably the candidates themselves?

4.  The Kam Smith/Our PAL Val Longhurst Primary Is Officially On.  The Executive Director of the Delaware Police Athletic League filed this week and will face the incredible Kam Smith in RD 15.

5.  Filings:  R Councilman Mike Vincent (Suxco CD 1);  R Cynthia Green for Suxco CD 2.

That’s all I’ve got this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?



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