James Maravelias On Aunt Jemima

Filed in Delaware by on March 20, 2024

Now, there’s a headline I never thought I’d write.  BHL’s labor bud goes after, well, read for yourself, DI-rect from Maravelias’ own Facebook page:

You mean snow flakes and Cancel generation types.  I looked at her almost every morning as a child.  I thought she made that delicious syrup.  Being without a mother at 6 years old because of cancer.  That beautiful woman on that fuckin’ bottle was mine.  So they can all go fuck themselves that don’t like it.

There’s a reason why Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben aren’t around any more.  They were racial stereotypes.  Something that a trade union guy would never engage in. Right?  Maybe Bethany will ask about it next time she and Maravelias get together for pancakes.

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  1. Alby says:

    Just so I have this straight, if your mother died of cancer you get a pass on being OK with racial stereotypes?

    BTW, MonteCristo, he does a lot of volunteering. Just sayin’.

    • Jason says:

      I read it to mean that Aunt Jemima acted as a surrogate mother after the untimely passing of his birth mother. That’s asking a lot of a picture on on a bottle of maple flavored corn syrup.

  2. MonteCristo says:

    Ha! Point taken on the volunteering, Alby. I’ll come back to that another time.

    Between Longhurst’s antisemitism and Jim’s overall racism, BHL has assembled quite the coalition! A real group of winners right there. Minor Brown and Kerri, how is all of this sitting with you right now? Was it worth giving up your souls? Embarrassing.

    Stay in the race BHL. Through your narcissism and idiocy, you’re doing more for the progressive cause than anyone in a generation. Looking forward to flushing all of these dumbasses down the drain with you.

  3. Alby says:

    Quote from that article. He wouldn’t speak to reporters at the Inky, but told Politico:

    “Approximately 15,000 residents of New Castle County have been infected and you are hassling me about a Facebook post — unemployment is over 30% in Delaware and my personal Facebook reposts are news? No wonder there is no real media presence…. This is politically motivated by a far-left-wing faction to drive a wedge with radical political theatrics.”

    If BHL were going to distance herself from this filth, she would have done it long ago.

    The failure of the unions to shitcan this clown speaks volumes, and it’s why I say the biggest impediment to progress in Delaware isn’t Republicans.

  4. Bart says:

    Why is this racist thug treated with such reverence by Democratic politicians such as BHL?

    The year is 2024, not 1970. This is not cool.

    • Alby says:

      In his bio he brags about working for Reagan, if that helps explain it.

      The trade unions are a shed full of very dull tools.

  5. BLT says:

    This doesn’t come as a surprise that she surrounds herself with bigots. Dont forget her long history of homophobia and resistance to LGBT anti-discrimination measures. . She’ll do anything and surround herself with anyone just to get elected.

  6. Beach Karen says:

    Why not Mrs. Butterworth? She was a bottle of similarly crappy syrup and shaped like a woman. Still strange and questionable, but at least three dimensional.

  7. FWIW says:

    Apparently it’s okay for Maravelias to write these things because – as he says in the comments – “I am… certainly NOT WHITE!”

    • The irony is that this probably strengthens Maravelias’ support among the construction trades rank-and-file, laborers’ excepted, who have traditionally kept the trades closed to minorities.

      He should, however, now be poison to Democratic politicians and to the AFL-CIO as a whole. We’re watching, Bethany…

      • mediawatch says:

        Re: He should, however, now be poison to Democratic politicians and to the AFL-CIO as a whole. We’re watching, Bethany…

        Interesting developments today: Sarah announces endorsements from Aunt Jemima fan and his unions while the empty suit in the governor’s office endorses Eugene.
        Do they cancel each other out? Are these two endorsement announcements that never should have been made?
        And if, as you say, Aunt Jemima Fan should be poison to D politicians, what does that mean for Sarah?

  8. FedUpLiberal says:

    Y’all need to find more important issues to monitor. He’s under scrutiny because it’s easy. He posts these things and everyone gets in a tizzy. This website is way more toxic while adding no good to the situation. Those guys are out there feeding and clothing the needy all while putting people to work and trying to move the needle for workers rights and your complaining about his personal politics? Grow up.

    • OK, we’ll just look the other way while Maravelias engages in his racist tropes. You know, in the interest of growing up.

      The guy expressing these racist tropes is the head of the Delaware AFL-CIO and the head of the Building & Construction Trades.

      You may not have a problem with this, but I think being a racist AND the head of the AFL-CIO is a disqualifying offense. It’s not as if the AFL-CIO couldn’t find a non-racist to run the organization. The Building & Construction Trades? Perhaps.

      • FedUpLiberal says:

        I don’t see what he has done as being racist, especially after reading the whole post. This blog makes him a villain, but he has been unanimously elected to that position by minority led unions for years. Take this in context. Black, Hispanic and women labor leaders have elected him to that position because he is the guy. The position is not appointed. He earned his nomination and has never been opposed because he does his job, maybe he just isn’t racist and maybe it’s convenient to think he is than face that he isn’t and the perception of this group is wrong.

        • Alby says:

          And maybe he is racist and is a villain. Being elected doesn’t make him innocent of the charge, and neither does the fact that you don’t see it as racism.

          What he wrote is what he wrote. Attacking “snow flakes and cancel generation types” shows me what side he’s on.

          You’ve made your point. We’ll let the readers decide.