Delaware Political Weekly: March 22-28, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 29, 2024

1. Matt Meyer Files For GovernorHe’s now on the primary ballot. So is Collin O’Mara. So is–that’s it, so far.  Will Bethany file?  If so, when? I’m calling it–that campaign has money problems.  Along with candidate problems.  Think I saw somewhere that Trey Paradee is hosting a fundraiser for her.  If her campaign was flush, wouldn’t it be the other way around?  Apropos of this week’s events, I wonder if her unreleased campaign finance audit is unauditable.  We know it’s unviewable.

I think it’s gonna be a two-person race, and I’m dyin’ on that hill.

2. Melanie Ross Levin Files For RD 10.  Remember what I wrote about how the General Assembly has attracted some seriously-qualified additions over the last few cycles?  Melanie Ross Levin fits comfortably within that group.  Yes, in her early years she was a campaign staffer for Carper,  and served a stint as a consultant for the Business Roundtable for about 8 months.  But after that, she served as Director of Engagement and Mobilization for the National Women’s Law Center from 2007 to 2017, and has served as Delaware’s Director of the Office Of Women’s Advancement and Advocacy since then.  She has an MPA in Health Policy from the U of D. The incumbent is Sean Matthews, whose legislative performance in recent years can at best be described as uninterested.  I think he’s retiring.  Dennis E. Williams is scraping mud off his old campaign signs as he considers yet another losing run for public office.  To provide some perspective, challenger Matthews defeated incumbent Williams in 2014 by a 55-45 margin.  Competitive race. In 2016, Matthews defeated challenger Williams by a 75-25 margin.  In 2018, Williams was the spoiler in the race for State Auditor, garnering about 23% of the vote and enabling Kathy McGuiness to get the nomination.  To my surprise, he hasn’t run for anything the previous two cycles.  The district has been significantly redrawn since he last ran.  Not sure whether Levin would do better than Matthews’ margin in 2016, but she won’t do much worse.  Levin would be an improvement over Matthews in the House even if she supports Our PAL Val.

3. Filings.  R State Rep. Jeff Spiegelman (RD 11); Wilmington City Councilperson Nathan Field (D-CD 8).

Hey, not every week can be full of drama. I welcome a drama-free week every now and then.  As long as it doesn’t become a trend.

That’s all I’ve got this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    I’ve now had 2 people, within a week, in Sussex tell me that Park City is going to jump in the race for RD14. Is she the Dennis Williams of Sussex?

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Hoping she can split it and win it.

    • All I know, and I’ve asked, is that she sent out a blurb in support of the Cape referendum and stressed her Suxco bona fides and the fact that her mom was a teacher.

      Speaking of Dennis Williams, for those wondering why I’m so critical of him, it’s because he has two notable accomplishments, both disastrous. We’ve already discussed how his vanity candidacy enabled KMG to sneak in as Auditor.

      The other, which we discussed here years ago, was that he had allegedly promised his leadership vote to a more, um, sane, duo, then flipped at the caucus for Speaker Pete and Our PAL Val. He claims he never promised his vote, but those who were there at the time beg to differ.

    • Joe Connor says:

      Those 2 people are likely correct based on my contacts:)

  2. BLT says:

    Is that second person in the gov race going to be O’Mara? It isn’t uncommon for candidates to file later in the season (not sticking up for that crook Hall Long lady). But, Collin isn’t a real candidate. He isn’t running to win. He isn’t doing anything but doing what the establishment wants him to do: split the vote to help BHL. I haven’t seen anything from his campaign.

    • BLT says:

      Perhaps he’s running his race from Maryland.

      • Alby says:

        Lazy attacks. Tell me why Meyer is better, not why O’Mara is worse, or, even lazier, attempting to dismiss him on flimsy and inaccurate grounds.

        I don’t mean to pick on you specifically. This is a continuing theme from the Meyer backers who comment. It doesn’t leave a favorable impression.

    • Saying it’s so doesn’t make it so.

      I think he’s gonna be a serious candidate.

      He and Matt showed up at an event in Arden, and both made favorable impressions.

      • BLT says:

        Nobody’s denying he’s a credible communicator, however there’s no evidence pointing to him being a serious candidate. If he had a professional campaign and worked at it, it would be different. At one point I thought he might walk away with it.

        Who supports him????

        • Alby says:

          What, pray tell, is your definition of a “serious candidate”? You keep saying this, which doesn’t make it true.

          What are the other two doing that he’s not?

        • OK, BLT, you’re trolling now.

          You have been warned.

          Stop with the fact-less assertions or begone.

    • The MoMo says:

      Omara was in leg hall this week I don’t know if it was for meetings or what but would be interested if he gets some legislative endorsements this week

  3. MonteCristo says:

    I don’t think omara is going to split it for bhl. I also don’t think he’s a part of some vast conspiracy from “the establishment”. That gives way too much credit to people who don’t deserve it. These people can’t send out emails without typos. I don’t think they’re capable of masterminding some grand plot. I don’t know who the “establishment” even is in this case.
    I think the obvious answer is often the right one and that answer is clinical narcissism. Omara and BHL are certainly not the only politicians suffering from the affliction. But if you give that diagnosis then a lot of the behavior makes sense.

    People look at this race and think…. There must be something more going on. There must be a secret plan. Otherwise so much of this would be a deranged and stupid thing to do.

    But sometimes you need to remember that people do crazy and stupid things because they’re fucking crazy and fucking stupid.

    • Rufus Y Kneedog says:

      I think O’Mara has a future in politics somewhere. He’s only 44 and comes across as intelligent, genuine and articulate. It’s very difficult to see how this run would advance his goals. But we also need to remember that we don’t know who these folks are listening to and what advice they’re getting.

  4. Alby says:

    “These people can’t send out emails without typos. I don’t think they’re capable of masterminding some grand plot.”


    And why would O’Mara go along with it if they were? He was a Markell guy, so the Carney people hate him. And they have nothing they could give him in return.

    He might split the anti-BHL vote, but that doesn’t mean it’s his reason for running.