1. Matt Meyer Files For Governor. He’s now on the primary ballot. So is Collin O’Mara. So is–that’s it, so far. Will Bethany file? If so, when? I’m calling it–that campaign has money problems. Along with candidate problems. Think I saw somewhere that Trey Paradee is hosting a fundraiser for her. If her campaign was flush, wouldn’t it be the other way around? Apropos of this week’s events, I wonder if her unreleased campaign finance audit is unauditable. We know it’s unviewable.
I think it’s gonna be a two-person race, and I’m dyin’ on that hill.
2. Melanie Ross Levin Files For RD 10. Remember what I wrote about how the General Assembly has attracted some seriously-qualified additions over the last few cycles? Melanie Ross Levin fits comfortably within that group. Yes, in her early years she was a campaign staffer for Carper, and served a stint as a consultant for the Business Roundtable for about 8 months. But after that, she served as Director of Engagement and Mobilization for the National Women’s Law Center from 2007 to 2017, and has served as Delaware’s Director of the Office Of Women’s Advancement and Advocacy since then. She has an MPA in Health Policy from the U of D. The incumbent is Sean Matthews, whose legislative performance in recent years can at best be described as uninterested. I think he’s retiring. Dennis E. Williams is scraping mud off his old campaign signs as he considers yet another losing run for public office. To provide some perspective, challenger Matthews defeated incumbent Williams in 2014 by a 55-45 margin. Competitive race. In 2016, Matthews defeated challenger Williams by a 75-25 margin. In 2018, Williams was the spoiler in the race for State Auditor, garnering about 23% of the vote and enabling Kathy McGuiness to get the nomination. To my surprise, he hasn’t run for anything the previous two cycles. The district has been significantly redrawn since he last ran. Not sure whether Levin would do better than Matthews’ margin in 2016, but she won’t do much worse. Levin would be an improvement over Matthews in the House even if she supports Our PAL Val.
3. Filings. R State Rep. Jeff Spiegelman (RD 11); Wilmington City Councilperson Nathan Field (D-CD 8).
Hey, not every week can be full of drama. I welcome a drama-free week every now and then. As long as it doesn’t become a trend.
That’s all I’ve got this week. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?