1. BHL Finally On Ballot. Looks like it’s gonna be a three-way primary. Is anybody anywhere in a position to know going to provide the real information on all of BHL’s campaign finance screw-ups? Or is the Delaware Way just too dominant to ensure that the public’s right to know is less important than burying information about a candidate for governor? I have yet to confirm rumors that BHL will kick off her campaign by cutting ribbons in all 21 Senate districts up and down the state.
2. Doesn’t The Delaware Rethuglican Party Have Anything Better To Do With Its Money?
The Arizona, Delaware and Georgia Republican parties are urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear Kari Lake’s (R) fringe voting machines lawsuit, arguing that courts set too high of a standard for election challenges to proceed.
In their “friend of the court” brief filed Thursday, the trio of Republican parties is urging the court to hear Kari Lake and Mark Finchem’s conspiracy-laden challenge to the use of electronic voting machines in the state. Arguing that lower courts’ standards for election cases are too stringent and that it is “nearly impossible for anyone to challenge the manner in which any future election was conducted,” the state GOPs say the Supreme Court should take the case. They also encourage the Court to resolve the issue by the 2024 election.
Hey, sure beats recruiting and, uh, funding Rethug candidates here in Delaware. Although–do ya think a few shekels from this case might just find their way into the pockets of Julianne Murray, Esq.?
3. Changing Of The Guard In SD 18? I dunno. But the incumbent, mealy mush-mothed auctioneer David Wilson, has been around in Dover since 2008. Another R has filed a committee and has filed for the ballot–one Robert Lee Reed from Greenwood. Here’s all you need to know: He’s an ex-cop who was sheriff of Suxco for eight years. Looks more like a planned succession than a hostile takeover. What do my Sussex Spies know about this?
4. Filing(s): D Kent County Levy Court Commissioner Joanne Masten has filed for reelection.
That’s all I’ve got this week. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?