DL Open Thread Saturday, April 20, 2024

Filed in National by on April 20, 2024

Nobody seems to know who got House speaker Moses/Mike Johnson to change his mind – some say it was fundies from The Family who don’t like Putin’s religious intolerance – but it looks like that foreign aid for Ukraine is going to pass the House, even though it might cost Johnson his gavel. The Space Laser Lady from Georgia wants him out, but she’s under fire herself, being called out as a Russian stooge by some Republicans. I swear, this Congress is being run as if they fired Aaron Sorkin’s writers and hired Chuck Lorre’s.

Speaking of TV shows, this season of “Trump!” is getting tedious. Another day, another trial, another outburst from Diaper Don, and I’m not talking about the rumor that he’s stinking up the courtroom. Seriously, fart jokes? Even Chuck Lorre is more sophisticated than that.

To complete the circus atmosphere at the trial, someone outside the courthouse set himself on fire after scattering leaflets full of conspiracy theories even the QAnon creeps couldn’t dream up. He died during the night without anyone ever knowing what he was protesting.

In positive news, the EPA has adopted new standards for some carcinogenic chemicals, mainly ethylene oxide. That’s the gas that leaked from the Croda plant at the foot of the Delaware Memorial Bridge a few years back, causing massive traffic jams and a shelter-in-place order. The new rules are designed to cut permitted emissions by 80 percent.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Jason says:

    As stupid as it is, I think the fart thing could end up sticking to Trump. (No pun intended). It is the kind of fact that confirms what everyone thinks about the man, and gives everyone the vocabulary to get closer to expressing that feeling.

    In a way, Rudy’s hair dye served the same function. There was something Ineffably disgusting about the guy that was difficult to express prior to seeing that.

  2. He’s not a farter, he’s a ‘flatulist’, just like this guy:


    Not to be confused with a flautist. Although flautists can be flatulists. And flatulists can be fabulists, as Al’s link demonstrates.

    For that matter, flatulists can be flautists. Might even use that wind source to play the flute.

    Hmmm, wonder if Rahsaan Roland Kirk ever thought of that…
