DL Open Thread Monday, April 22, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on April 22, 2024

Republicans stay in disarray, most recently over Marjorie Taylor Greene’s unabashed Russia-humping. Even the New York Post called her Moscow Marjorie on its cover. Meanwhile Texas GOP rep Tony Gonzales called out his party’s “scumbags” and said Matt Gaetz paid minors for sex. I’m going out on a limb here, but I think that even the notoriously dim-bulbed GOP realizes that a very small tail is wagging a very large dog, and that some dogs do just fine with a docked tail.

Trump on Trial enters its second week with speculation about who today’s secret witness will be – the court took the extraordinary step of refusing to release the identities of witnesses in advance to prevent Trump’s logorrhea against them. CNN says it’s former National Enquirer honcho David Pecker. Meanwhile, over in civil court, prosecutors want the judge to reject the sketchy bond Trump is proffering. Golly, how’s he going to wriggle out of this one? Tune in and see!

In what has been obvious all along, polling shows that RFK Jr.’s candidacy draws more voters away from Trump than Biden. Yeah, that was hard to suss out – an anti-vaxxer’s fans come from among the anti-vax MAGAts. I can never decide whether our august political media is stupid or they just think we are.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. From the AYFKM File:

    Paste Magazine publishes an anonymous negative review of the new Taylor Swift album because they feared retribution from–SWIFTIES??!!:


    Swifties–The new MAGAts? I don’t THINK so.

  2. paul says:

    News organizations used to proudly tout that they were the best at the news. Those voices have been eerily silent, going instead for entertainment value, ABC, or glamorous stardom, CBS, NBC, or the most ludicrous stories, FOX. I find all this dismaying.

  3. Jason says:

    I am loving the stories about the GOP falling apart at the seems. Also nice to see Franklin Graham getting burned for urging “christians” to pray for Trump.


    Conservative Army Iraq War Veteran Peter Henlein asked, “Why might Christianity be on the decline in this country?”

    “Maybe it’s because some of its most prominent leaders do things like ask you to pray for a serial fraudster, $60 bible huckster, 20 year Jeffrey Epstein bestie who spent a lifetime screwing people over because he is on trial for paying hush money to p*rnstars he cheated on his wife with,” he added.

  4. John Kowalko says:

    News outlets and all other media sources are run by a cabal of greedy bastards without consciences. They salivate at the election-time availability of billions of dollars in potential advertising dollars. The more they can promote conflicting characteristics between candidates, real or fabricated, the more money rolls in. They post and repost bullshit polls from sketchy pollsters who ask sketchy questions of that finite community of respondents who still have land-based lines. These polls exaggerate and inflame enough loonie-tuners to get the attention of candidates and parties alike who raise more money to toss at these media sources and their greedy managers and publicists (not publishers). The cycle of greed motivating a news-cycle of misinformation and lies will continue demanding to be fed. Freedom of the Press has been transformed into Affordability of the Press and is a bigger threat to a “fair and honest” democracy than the “Orange Peel” rapist himself.
    Representative John Kowalko (retired)