DL Open Thread Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on April 23, 2024

The media desperately wants Trump on Trial to be as big a ratings hit as O.J. was, but the dynamics are different. O.J. had a dream team of lawyers, so he kept his mouth shut and tried to look amiable. Trump’s lawyers are not the stuff of dreams, and their client is constitutionally incapable of shutting up, so before the trial itself resumes, there will be a hearing on whether he violated his gag order yet again. Gonna need something stronger than popcorn to keep the public tuned in.

At least Trump got Letitia James off his back by agreeing to a bunch of stipulations she made about his sketchy $175 bond, so it now has been accepted. It’s like the Perils of Pauline – he looks trapped but wriggles in the next episode every time. Tune in to see how!

One sign the public isn’t engaged: the paucity of pro-Trump protesters outside the courthouse. It’s clearly troubling Sleepy Don, who isn’t getting the media circus he wanted, so he put out a call for extras. Maybe if he hired actors to play his adoring crowd, as he did when he descended that escalator…

The ship that took out Baltimore’s Key Bridge was having electrical malfunctions in port, and the city filed a legal liability claim against its owners, who earlier petitioned federal court asking for a $43.6 million limit on potential liability payouts, a fraction of what it will cost to replace the bridge.

Since November NASA’s Voyager I space probe, currently more than 15 billion miles from Earth, has been unable to transmit data back to the planet. But engineers figured out a workaround and the probe is again transmitting data. It’s so far away that each radio signal takes more than 22 hours to arrive.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Can someone explain to me why police are arresting peaceful protestors on college campuses who oppose the genocide in Gaza?

    I’ll take a shot: Wealthy donors to these institutions want to suppress opposition to Israel’s actions while pushing the false meme that opposition to the genocide is the same as anti-semitism.

    • puck says:

      “Can someone explain to me… ”

      Don’t ask if you are going to block the answer.

      • Who blocked the answer, asshole?

        • puck says:

          Your rhetorical question includes more than one false premise to unpack. I self-censored the answer because of your previous moderation/ban threats. You’re welcome. asshole. That’s what you wanted.

          You and DL are doing great work on local politics. Inflammatory I/P posts and comments are a distraction.

          I noticed newsworthy comments and contributions from non-regulars seem to pick up when I/P threads are temporarily suppressed, whether by admins or by self-censorship.

          • You ‘self-censored’ and then accused us of censoring you.

            There’s a word for that: lying.

            The arresting of non-violent protestors is newsworthy. It was when me and my fellow students were protesting the Vietnam War back in the late ’60’s, and it’s newsworthy today.

            At least to me.

            • puck says:

              You misread. I didn’t say you had blocked anything today. I was referring to the fact that you have previously deleted comments and threatened moderation. Which I ultimately agree with and abide by, in the interest of DL’s local politics work.

              • Please. I didn’t misread.

                Here’s the deal: You continue to post here at the discretion of the mods of the blog.

                Working the refs won’t work when we’re the refs.

                Stop now.

              • puck says:

                “You continue to post here at the discretion of the mods of the blog.”

                That is exactly how the the university trustees feel about the current protesters. So you answered your own question.

          • Eric Blair says:

            Anything to take attention away from mass graves and Israeli war crimes, I guess, right, buddy?

  2. Eric Blair says:

    Don’t pay attention to the mass graves at Gaza hospitals. Women, children and handcuffed corpses remind us that the real bad guys are protesting students.

  3. Arthur says:

    in regards to the rumps trials, who decided not to have the trials televised? In all honesty, I think his supporters watching him sleep all day may actually see him for what he is – a decrepit, slovenly, old man – Ok, I jest… maybe a dozen of his supporters

  4. Beach Karen says:

    Delaware gets an F for foster care, which is very disappointing since we do so much when the child ages out of the program (that’s not sarcasm, Delaware does a lot for those who age out of the program):
