Delaware Liberal

BREAKING: Rethug Mike Ramone To Run For Governor

Man, I go out for an hour, and this happens.

As Jason mentioned, it is weird in that Julianne Murray claims that she is running because nobody else would step forward.  Was that true?  If so, will she drop out, or will this be a battle for the ‘heart and soul’ of the Delaware Rethuglican Party, which doesn’t exist?

If indeed it’s a battle of two factions, Mike might as well hang it up.  Here’s the story:

GOP’s Mike Ramone to file Monday to run for governor

This at the minimum means that Ramone is not running for reelection in RD 21.  Either Frank Burns or The Other Mike Smith will succeed him.   Feel free to click on the link for my preferred candidate and donate to him.

Ramone said that one reason he’s vacating the House seat is because  ‘he’s building another home in Sussex County. “I just wasn’t comfortable representing my district and not being in the district all the time,” he said. “I didn’t want people to question my ability to represent my district appropriately.” ‘

“I don’t want to have to prioritize a business need over being a governor for the people in the state,” he said, “and if I’m not fortunate enough to get elected I go to plan B, and that’s retirement.”

At least he supports ‘Plan B’.  Although only as it applies to running for office and losing.

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