Delaware Liberal

The Working Families Party Endorsements

I was there on Saturday to hear from an inspiring array of candidates.  And inspiring they were, individually and collectively.

But let’s not bury the lede:

Collin O’Mara delivered the single most inspiring and visionary speech I’ve ever heard from a Delaware office-seeker.

Visionary in that he talked about there has been no fundamental change in state government since the implementation of the cabinet form of government circa 1968.  How the entrenched system and the people who have run it have focused time and time again on cost, and not on the benefits, of beneficial programs. John Carney’s blinkered opposition to universal breakfasts for public school students being a typical example.  He focused on how public education has traditionally been underfunded and called for a major new infusion of revenue to the system including, yes, tax increases for those most able to afford them.

Truth-in-advertising:  I’m a WFP member. I’ve contributed, gone door-to-door, and even occasionally helped out with tracking legislation for WFP.  I feel most at home when in the presence of the WFP volunteers, candidates and elected officials.  For the first time literally ever,  I can make out a future in Delaware with a visionary governor and an equally forward-thinking Delaware General Assembly.

That forward-thinking General Assembly?  There are already several WFP stalwarts serving in Dover.  If we can add Branden Fletcher-Dominguez, Kamela Smith, Monica Shockley Porter, Terrell Williams, Nick Beard and Frank Burns to that crew, one of the bluest states in the country can actually govern like one of the bluest states in the country.  I also think there will be some more endorsements from WFP coming soon.

I believe that this is the year, and these are the folks who can fundamentally drive a stake through what passes through the heart of the Delaware Way.  Great time to jump in with both feet.

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