DL Open Thread Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Filed in Open Thread by on May 14, 2024

As H.L. Mencken said a century ago, every human problem has a solution that is neat, plausible and wrong. Keep that in mind when you read about the health care cost review board. It looks set to happen after lawmakers amended their bill, which is supposedly going to rein in the state’s hospital costs. I remain skeptical about entrusting health care spending to our state’s budget smoothers. If you like their approach to running government, wait til you see their approach to running hospitals.

Delaware isn’t the only blue state struggling in its efforts to undo the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights. In Rhode Island, like Delaware totally blue but not all that liberal, the state House finally passed a reform bill after opponents killed similar efforts in the past two legislative sessions. And it still has a long way to go to become law. They will never fight crime as hard as they fight oversight.

Student protests over Israel’s war on Gaza have had a lasting effect on at least one campus. Citing the unseemly unruliness as the proximate cause, the University of North Carolina’s board of trustees voted to kill all its diversity programs and instead give the $2.3 million to campus police. A classic case of the abuser’s mantra, “See what you made me do?”

Donald Trump is seldom given credit for his skill at defying the law, but you begin to appreciate his artistry when you see a grifter like Gold Bar Bob Menendez, whose corruption trial began yesterday. For example, compare how quickly Menendez landed in the docket to Trump’s endless stall tactics. And though you might catch Trump sitting on a gold toilet, he’s not dumb enough to stuff gold bars into his suits. They fit badly enough as it is.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. nunya says:

    Don’t forget. Today is School Board election day. I’m stumping for Susan Sander in Red Clay. SHe’s a progressive and she’s got a great campaign. She’s running against a guy, Jason Casper, who you can Google. He’s adored by the Patriots for Delaware crowd, but made some really questionable votes in his seven years in office.

    Vote Sander in Red Clay!

    • puck says:

      Agreed. I’m voting for the challenger Sanders unless someone can convince me otherwise.

      Lots of dogs not barking in Red Clay. This election is not even on the Red Clay web calendar.

      In a 2022 election Red Clay and DSEA lit up the ether with web posts and GOTV to oust a different incumbent, replacing her with a member of the DSEA executive board.

      IMHO the silence in this election favors the incumbent Jason Casper who is, as noted, a favorite of the “Patriots” DEGOP surrogates. Draw your own conclusions.

      • nunya says:

        Vic Leonard was never a member of the DSEA executive board. His son was at one point, but he’s a Jr., not the senior. Vic has been a really active member of the Board the last two years.

        RCEA took position of no position in this election because Jason is liked by many educators even if they don’t see a lot of the votes he’s taken.

        • puck says:

          Thank you for the correction, my apologies for misrepresenting. I think my point is unchanged though.

          • nunya says:

            I don’t think there’s any real silence here outside of the usual silence that surrounds most school board elections because there’s often so little interest.

            Susan has a great campaign team that has crunched the data the last few weeks and has done a great job targeting interested voters. I think she’s going to win and that would make me quite pleased.