The Big Story: Hospital Cost Review Board Bill Could Go To Governor Today.
The bill was amended in the Senate, so it now returns to the House for final passage. It’s first on today’s House Agenda, which is the normal practice in both chambers. When a bill returns from the other chamber with amendment(s), you’ll generally see them at the top of an agenda. Look for a photo op once the Governor gets his hands on it.
A couple of good progressive bills also highlight today’s House Agenda. HB 374 (K. Johnson) ‘provid(es) the same legal protections afforded providers of contraceptive and abortion services to providers of fertility treatment. SB 20 (Townsend), which unanimously passed the Senate, ‘remove(s) the requirement that a public school district employee who donates leave to another employee must donate 2 days of leave for the other employee to receive 1 day of leave.’
Today’s Senate Agenda features three bills designed to enable defendants to get out from under the ‘nickel-and-diming’ of assessed fees making it difficult to get one’s head above water. SB’s 282, 283, and 284 are all sponsored by Sen. Darius Brown, and all deserve passage.
Just a few highlights in House Committees today:
HB 362 (Minor-Brown) ‘would require coverage (of doula services) under private health insurance plans. Economic Development/Banking/Insurance & Commerce.
HB 408 (Osienski) ‘creates a temporary conversion license for existing medical marijuana compassion centers to operate for recreational marijuana purposes.’ Same committee.
Don’t panic, kids. Lots of fascinating bills in committee tomorrow. Hmmm, maybe I should panic…