Delaware Liberal

My Random Thoughts On Delaware’s Primaries

Subject to change from the moment I hit ‘Publish’.

1. The race between Marcus Henry and Karen Hartley-Nagle is, in my opinion, over.  Marcus has been everywhere, Karen is barely running a campaign.  In addition, KHN has reportedly split–or been split from–her political consigliere without whom she has no idea as to how to run a campaign.  As if to illustrate that point, our 7th RD Committee held a Meet The Primary Candidates Virtual Town Hall, and invited the 6th and 10th RD’s (the other Brandywine 100 Democratic RD’s) to attend. The goal of the meeting was to hear from the statewide, countywide and local candidates we had not previously heard from so that we could make any potential recommendations for endorsement to the State and county D parties.  Bethany Hall Long and Marcus had previously addressed the committee, so they weren’t part of the event.  Every other invited candidate managed to attend and to make a presentation–with the exception of KHN.  I spoke to her on the phone and invited her personally.  She said that she was busy ‘working 80 hours a week’ for the County and couldn’t commit.  Nor did she subsequently.

2.  Remember the name Branden Fletcher Dominguez.  He’ll probably hate what I have to say, but I think this primary for the 3rd RD seat is over.  Use whatever term you wish–dynamo, juggernaut, whirling dervish (well, you probably won’t use that one),  he’s a dream candidate and I think will be a dream representative.  From that point forward, who knows?  He’s only 24, he is especially passionate about affordable housing and serving the housing-vulnerable.  I knocked doors twice in his district, the last evening with Branden.  I cannot overstate how much potential he has.  While Sherry Dorsey Walker didn’t suck, Branden has leadership written all over him.

3.  I’ve knocked a few days now down in the 15th RD, where Kam Smith is challenging Our PAL Val Longhurst.   At this point in the campaign, the 15th RD is more hospitable to Kam than the 13th RD was to Marie Pinkney when she challenged Dave McBride back in 2020, and we all know how that one turned out.  No, I don’t know how Val’s war chest will impact that campaign, but the one way to make sure that Val isn’t Speaker in January is to defeat her in this primary.  Kam has more than a puncher’s chance.  Even more if, you know, you donate right here.

4.  I’m fascinated by the Democratic primary for Governor.  No, it’s not O’Mara’s race to lose, but I think it’s his race to win.  Here’s why:  I think that both BHL and Matt are close to their ceiling when it comes to support.  Yet neither apparently is close to even a plurality in the campaign. Collin is at his floor.  He is the only one of the three who can pick off both Bethany supporters and Matt supporters. I don’t see Bethany or Matt taking supporters away from Collin.  The big question is whether Collin can get his campaign rocking to the point where his name recognition takes a big leap.  I don’t know.  But the reason I’m fascinated with this race is because he is the only candidate offering a way out of the business-as-usual Delaware Wayism that has stifled innovation since at least the 1960’s.  Yes, I’m supporting him.  God, I hope he doesn’t end up like Markell 2.0.

5.  Get to know Val Gould and Jason Hoover.  Both are running for NCC Council President.  Both really impressed our committee at our Meet The Candidates Forum.  While we as a committee were split between the two candidates (out of five who are running), we really liked them both.  I loved Val’s humanity, and that’s the candidate I will support.  But Jason Hoover perhaps made the most organized presentation of the night.  Both Val and Jason have pledged not to take campaign $$’s from developers.  I hope that both have bright political futures.

Hey, just figured we needed some political fodder while waiting for the Trump jury to reach its verdict.


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