Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, June 1, 2024

Yo, Joe:  It’s Time To Throw Netanyahu Under The Bus.  He’s playing you for a fool, and you’re playing the part of the fool perfectly:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said Saturday that Israel would not agree to a permanent cease-fire before the destruction of Hamas’s “military and governing capabilities,” a day after President Biden laid out a three-stage road map to a sustained cease-fire.

“Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: the destruction of Hamas’s military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel,” Mr. Netanyahu’s office said in a statement.

Anyone who doesn’t think that Netanyahu is working in cahoots with Trump has abandoned their senses.

Why Are Dems Even Thinking This?:

Now, apparently, Democrats are divided on whether to step back from Trump’s felony convictions or pull them into the political fray.

It is crazy to think that if you were running a campaign against a convicted felon this wouldn’t be a prominent part of your campaign. Any other suggestion is too absurd to contemplate.

But let’s go back to Trump’s now damaged superpower of impunity. Trump’s play is always dominance. The weapon of choice against that puffed-up pro-wrestling-like dominance spectacle that is at the heart of Trumpism is mockery. And this provides such a wonderful opening.

Trump was convicted of a felony. So the trial was rigged. Just like when Donald Trump lost a whole presidential election. Remember that? And he said that was rigged. He couldn’t just take it like a man (or woman) like the other … what, 44 guys who lost, and just admit he lost? And remember back in 2016 when it looked like he was going to lose, well … that election was rigged too. And then he won so it wasn’t rigged anymore. And the lawsuit that dissolved his company for decades of serial fraud. Also rigged, surprisingly!

Don’t we all know that guy? From our own lives? It’s not his fault? Someone always set him up? It was rigged!

The way to constantly inject Trump’s felony conviction into the campaign, other than remembering that “convicted felon” is now his first name, is to simply make his pathetic whining, excuses and demands for never-ending life mulligans the center of the campaign against him. He’s a disgrace but more than that an embarrassment. It won’t be hard because he’ll be making this claim non-stop through November, just a constant cue up for the same lethal mockery.

Time to mock the mocker.  Don’t even think of going feckless.

Remembering ‘Dead Poets Society’.  A nice article on a local celebration of its 35th anniversary:

Never before had a major movie studio shot the majority of its scenes in Delaware, never mind armed with a superstar like Williams in the lead role, an in-demand director such as Peter Weir (“Witness,” “Green Card,” “The Truman Show”) behind the camera, and a story by screenwriter Tom Schulman, who won Best Original Screenplay for the film.

While the past hoopla is mostly unknown to younger generations of Delawareans, the older set remember the excitement with filming across Middletown, New Castle and Wilmington with the 70-person film crew lodged at the old Radisson Hotel on King Street in downtown Wilmington, now home to the DoubleTree Hotel.

After all, more than 1,000 Delawareans were used as actors, extras, scouts and crew for the movie, which injected $8 million into the state’s economy.

What do you want to talk about?

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