DL Open Thread Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on June 4, 2024

For years now I’ve been told that attacking Donald Trump only makes his support stronger. Yeah, sure it does, buddy. Unfortunately for that argument, post-conviction polling says the opposite is true. On the other hand, lots of evidence points to facts not mattering anymore.

In a rare sign of fight, Democratic senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Ron Wyden are investigating Trump’s “give me a billion dollars” pitch to oil executives. As Whitehouse pointed out, it’s the very definition of corruption. Then again, so is the purchase of Clarence Thomas’ “friendship” by a Nazi-obsessed billionaire, yet here we are. As noted above, facts don’t matter anymore.

For Trump, everything is a transaction expressed in financial terms, even the tawdry sex he has with porn stars and Playboy models, so it’s no surprise that Pro Publica found he bestowed financial favors on potential witnesses to his many, many crimes. I think he calls it “the Biden crime family” out of resentment at having to do all his crimes himself.

I don’t think we’ve posted a link to it yet, so here, belatedly, is “The Apprentice” producer Bill Pruitt’s behind-the-scenes account of working with the failed businessman, and how the magic of editing cobbled together an illusion of competence. The big reveal, of course, was Trump dropping the N-bomb in front of witnesses, including Pruitt. I’m sure some people will say that release of the tape would only make Trump stronger.

Republicans’ panicky response to Trump’s convictions is mind-boggling in its magical thinking – get the Supreme Court to make it stop! – but weaselly pervo Jim Jordan has an actual plan to defund any office that tries to hold Turd King accountable. I understand people falling into cults of personality, but it’s truly sad that Trump was the best personality they could find.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. puck says:

    The wheels are literally coming off the Trump bus

    …and the photos are priceless:

    STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — The owners of a popular, massive pro-Donald Trump vehicle say they’re homeless after the vehicle sustained major damage when it crashed into multiple Hylan Boulevard street signs and poles before coming to a stop. […]

    For Donna Eiden and Rocky Granata, the owners of the large scale vehicle, the crash did not simply destroy a bus — it destroyed their lives.

    Eiden and Granata, who are staunch supporters of the former president, called the bus home. They also work out of the vehicle by selling merchandise. […]

    According to Eiden, she was sleeping in the rear of the vehicle when the bus began to roll along Hylan, decimating the small street signs and poles in its path.

    Eiden said she was extracted from the vehicle by emergency responders. A cat named Missy was also inside the bus.

    “That’s our life, we live in it; we travel in it. I have my daughter’s ashes in it,” said Eiden. “It’s our business. It’s our life.”

  2. Al Catraz says:

    “Comedian” Adam Nutter, who is headlining a DE GOP fundraiser at Crabby Dicks in Delaware City on Thursday evening, has things to say about Jews. Should be a laugh a minute.