Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Ever wonder why the American public opposes Israel’s war on Gaza but its elected representatives are for it? Here’s why: AIPAC funneled money from Republican donors to Democratic candidates more than any other organization. Shalom my ass.

In a tape made surreptitiously, SCOTUS justice Sam Alito admitted his Christian nationalism, telling his interviewer that compromise with the left isn’t possible, which explains his record of voting with the conservative litigant 100% of the time – no hyperbole, it’s actually every single time. I can’t put it any better than the Atlantic’s Norman Ornstein did: “Utterly unethical, corrupt, a serial liar, and a radical lacking every element of judicial temperament. This monster does not belong in civil society, much less on any court, much much less on the Supreme Court.”

One of the many ironic things about our so-called Christians is their exclusionary nature, the exact opposite of what the Bible character they supposedly revere preached. The latest target of their ire: Dolly freaking Parton, of all people, apparently because she doesn’t condemn LGBT+ folks. For the record, the character Jesus said exactly zero about homosexuality.

People debate whether Trumpism will survive Trump. I tend to think not, because I don’t think they can find someone with the same appeal to know-nothings who watch reality TV, but this article makes a convincing case that Trump is a terrorist and his brand of terror will live on, whether or not it’s called fascism. Today’s must-read.

People are starting to tumble to the fact that plastic is not the unalloyed boon they used to think it was. The attitude shift is showing up in a growing number of governmentssuing over plastic pollution, and not just in California. I expect Delaware’s DINO congressional brigade to come down squarely in the polluters’ corner. Go ahead, Coonsy and LBR, prove me wrong.

The floor’s yours.

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