BREAKING: Rep. Paul Baumbach Retiring!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 13, 2024

Announced from the floor of the House this afternoon.

He will retire with an admirable set of legislative accomplishments.

A true progressive who knew how to get things done.  In some cases, no matter how long it took.

Word on the street is that there’s a strong progressive waiting in the wings, but I don’t know who.

If you know, feel free to share.  Otherwise, just what do I keep you pipples on the payroll for?

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  1. Ah! Now I know. But I’m sworn to secrecy.

  2. Jason says:

    Very sad to see this news. Whoever is next, they have the shoes of a decent, hard working rep to fill.

    • Better than decent. Man, whether it is protecting people who live in mobile home communities, protecting state retirees, fighting for equal rights for all, fighting for end-of-life options and never giving up, and virtually never casting a vote that doesn’t reflect progressive values, he’s been a true stalwart.

      Yes, his campaigns for Speaker were weak, but few rival him as a legislator.
      I hope he enjoys his time away from Dover. He doesn’t owe us anything.

  3. bearded19711 says:

    Very sad to hear this as well. Paul was not my representative but he was always responsive to anyone in the Newark area with state or City of Newark concerns. Most recently, his work to protect the medical coverage of state retirees that was threatened by the Carney administration was amazing! A true public servant! I often marvel at the good legislators who have to put up with the know-nothings and trolls and yet remain pleasant and receptive. Good for you Paul! Enjoy your “retirement”! You’ve earned it!

  4. Elisa Diller says:

    I am sorry that Paul is retiring. He has done great work, particularly around the State of Delaware retiree healthcare issue. His bills to fix the mess that Carney knew about in 2005 have, I know, taken hours and hours of Paul’s time. Current and future retirees owe him a debt of gratitude for serving on the RHBAS and then moving forward with legislation to make sure that the healthcare benefits that retirees worked for will be the healthcare benefits that they receive. Thank you, Representative Baumbach!

  5. The MoMo says:

    As is often done, Paul asked to make a few remarks after the passing of a Consent agenda. It had several of his retiree healthcare bills – pretty miraculous to be on Consent, were it not Paul – so at first it seemed normal. Then he asked to speak at the podium, and bring his wife up. Gasps and loud “No!”s began to echo across the Chamber as we understood what was about to happen. Lots of tears as members gave him tribute. Even Pete (although he also had perhaps the best quote of the night “Welcome to the Quitter’s Club).
    But as important and meaningful as his announcement speech was, there was one other moment last night emblematic of the man — during debate on Romer’s bill expanding school safety zones, one of the right’s gun nuts had the audacity to suggest she had not read her own bill. Paul jumped to his feet immediately to speak next, demanding the Speaker admonish the comment and asking for respect and decorum in the chamber. The Rep did indeed apologize to Romer at Paul’s insistence. I do wonder who will stand up for respectful dialogue with him gone.
    And – I hope that the Senate will pass Medical Aid In Dying this year. Not only is it a good bill, it is also an example of persistence, compromise, and dedication.