Delaware Political Weekly: June 6-13, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 14, 2024

1.  Eugene Young Drops Out.  One of the fears that I had expressed, and one that was likely shared by other progressive-minded folks, had been that the race could have turned negative.  Neither Eugene nor Sarah were predisposed to allow that to happen.  Others may disagree, but I believe that Eugene still has a very bright electoral future.  Sarah believes it.  Her remarks upon Eugene’s leaving the race reflect that:

In Delaware, we often find ourselves running for the same office alongside fellow candidates who we like and deeply respect, people who are decent, qualified, and talented leaders – committed and compassionate Delawareans like Eugene Young. Service is in Eugene’s heart and he continues to dedicate his life to empowering and uplifting others.
Over the last year, my respect for Eugene has only grown. He’s run a positive campaign focused on the most important issues facing Delawareans: affordable housing and health care, good-paying jobs, and livable communities where all our families and neighbors can thrive. I know the story of Eugene’s contributions to our state is only just beginning.
Doesn’t get classier than that.  Dream Scenario?  Sarah either challenges Coons in 2026 and/or Biden tosses him a crumb appointment if  reelected.  Sarah moves to the Senate, the Democratic Party rallies around Eugene for Congress.
2.  Paul Baumbach To Retire.  One of the most effective legislators of the first progressive wave.  Only David Bentz and J. J. Johnson rival him when it comes to results.  Don’t panic, folks.  This has been in the works for some time, and I think you will be more than pleased with Paul’s preferred successor.  It could be made official as early as today.  My one regret upon delving into this person’s background?  They would have been perfect writing for our blog.
3.  DSEA Endorses BHL.  One of the few endorsements that generally comes with some boots on the ground.  Yes, it’s disappointing.  Especially since Collin O’Mara has articulated a vision for a serious public education renaissance with the money to accomplish it.  The best anybody can hope for from BHL is incremental, um, incrementalism.  But DSEA is often very cautious about bucking the status quo.  Too bad, especially for them, that they chose that route again this time.  Since teachers deal in facts, I think that Collin will have quite a bit of support among educators…if he can get his message out there.  Just not among those who called this shot.
4.  A Heffernan-Krawczuk Rematch In RD 6.  Look, more or less, for a repeat of the 68-32 margin that Deb ran up in 2022.
5.  Old Candidate, New Office.  Again, not old-old.  Just a losing candidate from last time recycling to a new race.  Brenda Mennella was defeated by Jack Walsh in SD 9 in 2022.  Got a respectable 38.5% of the vote.  She’s now casting her lot in RD 21, the district being vacated by Mike Ramone.  She will face the winner of the D primary between  Frank Burns and the Other Mike Smith.  (BTW, FWIW, the Original Mike Smith has yet to file for reelection in RD 22.  Probably nothing, but worth keeping an eye on. )  I think that Ramone was the only R with even a chance to win in RD 21 this year.  The current registration is 8195 D; 4852 R; and 5831 I.  In an election year with Biden at the top of the ticket, that’s likely a bridge too far.
6. An Osienski-Godwin Rematch In RD 24.  Look, more or less, for a repeat of the 66-33 margin that Ed ran up in 2022.
7.  Filings:  R Ruth Briggs King For Lt. Governor; D State Senator Elizabeth Lockman (SD 3); The ‘We Are Family’ Suxco House Rethugs, as in ‘I’ve got my four MAGAts and Me’–they always register together on the same day–even though they’re basically the same person, I’ll give ’em their props: Jesse Vanderwende, RD 35; Valerie Jones Giltner,  RD 37; Ronald Gray, RD 38; Daniel Short, RD 39; and The Extreme Right Reverend Timothy Dukes, RD 40.
That’s all I’ve got this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. Questions says:

    At this point we are closing in on the end of June. Collin might be a nice guy with a nice platform but he doesn’t have a campaign. He probably has single digit name recognition. He’s not going to win. He’s not going to come in second even. And if he ends up electing Bethany hall long it will show his commitment was in fact not to Delaware or progressivism at all but his own vanity. Btw for all of the talk about Collin’s ideological purity, evidenced by nothing but words over the past 90 days, coupled with insulting lbr for not being liberal enough? It’s curious no one mentions that O’Maras campaign manager and only campaign staffer is lbrs comms director. Not 10 years ago. A couple months ago.

    So anyone want to explain that? The guy is a walking whitest kids u know sketch

    • Gee, I think you’re wrong on almost everything you wrote.

      But I’ve long since stopped responding to set-up questions from trolls.

      Pretty sure I picked up the not-so-subtle hints as to who you’re backing.

    • Alby says:

      A candidate committed to his own vanity? Fetch the fainting couch, forthwith.

      His lack of an actual race lends credence to the idea that he’s there to help BHL. Business as usual means support for the regional hydrogen infrastructure he has a prominent position in building. So I don’t think he’d be averse to her victory.

      OTOH, I can’t imagine he’d risk $800,000 of his own money for that, but then there’s not much sign that he’s actually spending much of it, either. If there’s a big social media push I wouldn’t know of it, but I’m not hearing about any such campaign from people I know.

      A poll would clear up a lot of this. If Meyer has a poll showing him well ahead of O’Mara, he should release it to pressure O’Mara to drop out. If they’re about equal, I think it means BHL wins.

  2. Questions says:

    Yeah I’m backing Matt Meyer. I’m not trying to make it a secret. And there’s not a thing I said that isn’t correct.

    • Except there is. I know what Collin has planned. Betcha you don’t.

      The difference between Matt and Collin is that Collin can appeal to Democrats, but Matt’s appeal is not that strong among Democrats.

      BTW, it’s a Democratic primary. Just thought I’d mention that.

  3. Dill says:

    BHL is still the front runner whether we all want to admit or like it. Matt has the unions declaring open war on him and is kind of an unknown in Kent and Sussex, Colin Omara just has been a Maryland guy for the last decade.

    Don’t like the Delaware way crowning of McBride but it happens. I’m sure she will be fine in DC. Let’s hope not another back bencher like LBR padding her time to the next office. I also don’t get this idea of just handing Eugene young anything after losing a mayors race and dropping out of the congressional race. He actually annoyed a lot of people by dropping out.

    Congrats to Paul. An actually serious legislator who cared about legislating and not clicks.

    • Questions says:

      I don’t buy this “front runner” stuff. Her own polling months ago didn’t demonstrate that and I sincerely doubt things have changed in her favor since then. The unions were never going to support Matt and if open war means banner planes on rehoboth beach then keep it coming. I’d rather have jimmy marvaelis going after me than Kathy Jennings or the feds.

    • Anon says:

      Nope, she wasn’t “crowned.” She worked/is working incredibly hard to have a successful campaign. Any other suggestion is complete ridiculous.

    • Alby says:

      He couldn’t have annoyed all that many people because he didn’t have all that many supporters. And I have to question giving a crap about the sort of person who would be annoyed by it.

      Agree that BHL is the front-runner. The failure of the other two to attack her trustworthiness before now is a head-scratcher for me. Do they intend to pack the entire campaign into the week after Labor Day?

      • AllOverIt says:

        I think Meyer is probably (incorrectly) thinking that he can win without attacking BHL because of all the money his campaign has been raising.

        He may not be considering is that, given Bethany’s lack of scruples and her willingness to illegally use PACs as an extension of her campaign, she will actually have a ton of money.

        She’s definitely the favorite to win unless Meyer or O’Mara get their act together and start going after her.

        • BLT says:

          Meyer has amassed a warchest of money for the purpose of attacking BHL. It won’t happen until we get closer to the primary is m y guess. Apaprently Matt Powell went on some biggotted tirade about how Matt Meyer ran a shoe company that used rubber from the rubber slave trade in Africa and then posted a photo of African people from what looks like the early 1900s. BHL sure loves her racist tinged supporters from Powell to Marivellis

          • C’mon…I’m not a fan of BHL either.

            But there’s not a politician alive who doesn’t have some supporters who aren’t quite there.

            Just like politics attracts some truly strange people to run for office, it attracts some real characters who like to be parts of campaigns.

            • Stewball says:

              It is always fair to question a company’s sourcing of materials. It’s alway important to know the provenancce of your rubber — or rubbers depending on the situation.

            • Bill DM says:

              Thanks, El Som. Appreciate putting things in perspective, even when it’s not your chosen candidate.

              BLT has been making a name for themselves firing off these kinds wild, generalized attacks, seemingly hoping something catches on.

              Would appreciate if they could present a positive viewpoint for their chosen candidate rather than constantly firing off poorly constructed attacks.

          • Alby says:

            My favorite part: It was recycled rubber. If that’s their only complaint…

            • Stewball says:

              MM should clear the air and reveal the sources of the recycled rubber. If he has nothing to hide, he should easily and quickly explain that the rubber – recycled or otherwise – did not come from any exploitative sources. This is Day 1 of silence from MM on this serious issue.

              • Analysis says:

                BHL going negative first is a clear sign that she is in fact not the front runner.

              • Stewball says:

                My Deatest Analysis – I don’t speak for BHL and am not involved in her campaign. I am undecided in the primary though won’t be voting for Meyer. I am just asking questions the way Jen Barkley might on an episode of Parks & Recreation.

              • Alby says:

                @Stewball: I’m hoping that’s sarcasm. I really, really, really don’t give a fuck where the rubber came from.

        • Curious says:

          At some point – and I hate to break it to Bethany and her staff – but she’s going to get caught and she’s going to have to be accountable. History is littered with people like them. People who think that people don’t pay attention, people who think they’re smarter than everyone else, and people who forget that others keep receipts.

          Maybe it won’t happen but the arc of history does bend toward justice and history isn’t on her side.

          Best of luck out there.

    • Mabel says:

      Wait, why don’t unions like Matt Meyers?

  4. Rufus Y Kneedog says:

    Quite a while ago I went to a town hall type meeting for a Christina SD referendum. The crowd was skeptical and semi-hostile since they had passed a referendum 2 years before. Question after question the principal would defer to the superintendent who said he couldn’t address it because he wasn’t there 2 years before and then Paul Baumbach stepped in and gave a thoughtful and intelligent response – over and over. They lost the referendum but I was really impressed with Rep Baumbach’s willingness to be there and step up to the plate and save what would otherwise have been a complete trainwreck of a meeting. That was leadership. Very sorry to see him go.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    I just saw that this morning Matthew Powell withdrew from the 8th RD race.