DL Open Thread Monday, June 17, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on June 17, 2024

There is no news today outside of the usual huffing and puffing from Trump and his acolytes in politics and the media, so feel free to discuss what you want.

In America’s supposedly liberal media, Jeff Bezos hired some British Fleet Street sleaze to run the Washington Post and the New York Times is having a field day running stories about his history of running stories based on illegally obtained phone hacks. The Times isn’t the only media outlet gloating; Politico wasted no time piling on.

You’d think Republicans, having seen the backlash against overturning Roe v. Wade, would soft-pedal their Christianist forced-birth bullshit, but no – they’re actually split about whether in-vitro fertilization should be banned. Keep fucking that chicken, fellas.

Republicans, with Trump at the forefront, keep criticizing voting machines that don’t keep a paper record of votes. Raw Story looked into it and found that except for New Jersey, the states without paper ballots all are red states that voted for Trump. The GOP screwed itself on this one: They’re the ones who rigged the vote whenever possible, and they’ve now made that harder for themselves.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. It’s not just the NYTimes and Politico.

    Just look at this slagging by WaPo reporters on their alleged incoming new boss. I couldn’t believe my lyin’ eyes:


    Four, count ’em, FOUR, Post reporters teamed up on this article, which also slags Post CEO and Publisher William Lewis. This graf should suffice:

    “The claims raise questions about Winnett’s journalistic record months before he is to assume a top position at The Post. His appointment has increased focus on the different ways journalism is practiced in the United States and Britain.”

  2. Fed up says:

    At this point what is there even to say? Incompetence or just willful disregard for the law? And a Governor who seems very fine to aid and abet it by not enforcing the laws. Everyone is ok with this?

    Didn’t tigani go to jail for this?


    • AllOverIt says:

      As it happens, Tigani’s company is one of Bethany’s illegal over-contributors for this cycle.

  3. Rufus Y Kneedog says:

    Nice to see Meyer and OMara finally getting the knives out. In OMara’s case its a butter knife but he hits on the larger truth – the election laws aren’t worth the paper they’re written on.
    And good on Chris Barrish and WHYY.

  4. FWIW says:

    It’s about time. Big kudos to Cris Barrish for having the guts to cover this, and to Meyer and O’Mara for speaking up.

    BHL cannot have impunity for stealing two hundred thousand freaking dollars and straight up lying to the public about her phony audit.

    If you read nothing else in this article, read this:

    “Hall Long resumed fundraising events in December, after promising that ‘going forward, our campaign reporting will be handled by experts in this field.’

    WHYY News’ review of her campaign reports revealed, however, that several of the excessive contributions were accepted in December — after Hall Long had promised to be more vigilant in overseeing finances.”

    Two words- SHE. LIED.