Yikes! Matt Meyer Channels His Inner Black Preacher…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 17, 2024

…and drops off a check for $100K at Mt. Joy Church.  On behalf of New Castle County.

Check out the video from about 48 minutes in:

Looks like a pretty basic church/state violation to me.  But I’m no lawyer.

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  1. Name says:

    How dare Meyer speak at a black church!

    Now cover O’Mara endorsing and spending over $100k to support anti-choice, Republican Senate candidates.

    • Don’t tell us what to cover.

      The question is: Is it appropriate or even legal for the County Executive to show up with a $100K check? At a church? That was a campaign event. Featuring a candidate for governor and a $100K check.

      I gotta say, you Matt Meyer people are pretty much nothing but a bunch of shit-throwers. It does your candidate no favors.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not for the church! For an early center to help black kids achieve — What is the church-state violation in that?

        • Did you even listen/watch the fucking tape?

          I’m getting tired of the relentless defensiveness of that Meyer campaign.

          • Alby says:

            Those comments are from the same person, to whom I ask, what does it matter that the Republicans are “anti-choice”? Abortion rights are not at risk in Delaware.

            This is the same sort of crap the VFW humpers are pushing, 20th-century identity group shit.

            The readers of this blog are way beyond that crap. If you make weak-ass arguments like that, it has the opposite of your intended effect – it makes you, and thus your candidate, look petty and paranoid.

            • Alby says:

              Oops. Not the same person, but both have posted under other names. Last warning: Pick one and stick with it. No sock-puppeting.

    • BLT says:

      If you’re referencing Collin’s work at NWF contributing to Republicans, those contributions were made to support candidates who were good on NWF issues.

  2. DontKnowWhichGovernorImVotingForYet says:

    This reminded me of Hilldawg’s “I Don’t Feel No Ways Tired” incident and her ever-morphing accent. Thank you for the laughs.

    But onto a serious question: Why do the unions hate Meyer? I know he lifted restrictions on union-only gigs but the hatred seems to run far deeper than that. Sure, I get it, that would irritate them. But why do they loathe him like he fucked their wives?

    • J.A. says:

      lol I forgot about this!

      This Meyer speech was like an SNL skit. The Rev. Dr. Matt Meyer. I’ve only heard him speak like two times but he sure as hell didn’t sound like that. It’s like walking into an Italian deli talking like Mario.

      • Jarvis says:

        when you go to a foreign country it’s generally considered rude to believe everyone speaks English. Meyer knows a bit of AAVE and tried to bridge the gap. I actually find it charming.

    • Jarvis says:

      In short Matt doesn’t take crap from the trade bosses. Unions might have been dem strongholds back in the 70s, but the average tradesman is a fat white maga chud that can easily pull down six figs without any OT yet still carry a chip on his shoulder about welfare queens (I know Johnny K will pop a blood vessel reading this but he hasn’t actually really worked in the trades in decades…) Matt isn’t going to kowtow to people that are going to stab him in the back. The unions are still stuck with this toxic solidarity mindset, so once you are no longer the trade union candidate you are on the outs across the board. I don’t use union support as a yardstick of progressivism because to get in with the union racketeer elites you gotta make some real compromises.

      • Alby says:

        A lot of this calls for explanation. Who stabbed him in the back? What were the actual issues that prompted this?

        I have no love for the unions – the good they do is used to justify a lot of bad behavior by union leaders – but there are actual issues at the heart of the animosity. What are they?

        • DontKnowWhichGovernorImVotingForYet says:

          Thank you, Alby. This is exactly how I feel. I’m trying to figure out who to vote for and if there is any validity to the wrath Meyer has caught.

      • puck says:

        “the average tradesman is a fat white maga chud that can easily pull down six figs without any OT yet still carry a chip on his shoulder about welfare queens”

        lol. That checks out.

      • DontKnowWhichGovernorImVotingForYet says:

        I don’t use union support as a yardstick for progressivism either. I have known more than one tradesman who tried to get into a union when they needed it most but could not. I am well aware of how cliquish and corrupt they can be.
        That being said, I would not paint all tradespersons in the same broad brush strokes. Machinists and sheet metal mechanics who are good at their job are very intelligent people, and they tend to be more politically literate than people guess.
        I still want to know why there is so much acrimony between Meyer and the unions.

      • Paul T. says:

        This post shows that you know as little about Trade Unions as most other subjects. My Union is about 50% white and 50% persons of color. The Laborers, Maravelias Union, is over 80% persons of color. Some others, most, are more reflective of overall culture in Delaware. Yes…we have members in our ranks that are republican supporters, but we don’t choose our members. They are hired either by the company they work or by an application process for apprenticeships.
        Let’s be real. Meyer is a republican that realized he needed to be dem to win in Delaware. He does whatever the Chamber of Commerce asks him to do. His father was a rich lawyer and Matt never knew what it was to want anything. He is a spoiled little rich kid.

        • The Laborers is Brian McGlinchey’s union.

          Maravelias is the guy behind most of the rest of the Building and Construction trades.

          • Joseph Connor says:

            Actually Maravelias is the recently retired Business Manager of of Laborers local 199 and current President of the State AFL-CIO AND the Building trades. I believe Brian is no longer associated with the Laborers but when he was he worked for Jimmy M.

            • You’re right. I looked up the lobbying history. Maravelias retired from the Laborers at the beginning of April.

              McGlinchey doesn’t appear to be lobbying at all.

              Apologies to Paul T

              • Paul T says:

                Thank you for that. Mcglinchey has been out of the Union for about 7-8 years. He is doing his own thing including occassionally working against the unions.

        • Nada says:

          Meyer and Omara have much more progressive positions than Bethany.

          Tell me something that she’s supported that the chamber hasn’t liked. I was unaware that she was such a fighter against the corporate interests on behalf of the working class.

          you seem like a really nice and well meaning and smart individual who really believes in collective action on behalf of working people. I’m telling you right now: Bethany doesn’t give a fuck about you. She’d sell you out in a moment to become Governor. She sold her own husband out. She hasn’t even had the decency to give a crumb to supporters like you by having a decent campaign or a policy position on ANYTHING. So you just want to talk about what Matt Meyers dad did? Btw Bethany’s father was a very successful farmer. He had a plane. They were not poor. This whole schtick is another lie.

    • Paul T. says:

      There have never been “union only gigs” in NCC. If you are speaking of prevailing wage, you may find, with a turn to the NCC awarded bids page for the last 20 years, that more of those bids have gone to non Union companies even before Meyer. As a matter of fact, the Union contractors almost always pay more than the prevailing rate. The non Union companies use it to finally pay a living wage to their employees who would be paid less normally, but are required to pay them the prevailing rate for LARGE projects.
      Then there are “responsible contractors” laws, whose intent is to guarantee that the contractor who bids the contract must guarantee safety and proper pay to anyone working their part of the bid. In other words, what happens regularly in construction is a non Union contractor will bid a job and sub contract it once or more to other companies because the job is too big, or they are looking to cheat the system. They take the whole REQUIRED prevailing rate for themselves and then pay other subs far under that rate. Most responsible contractor laws would either Barr a contractor from bidding future work if they are caught or fining them. Not under Meyer. Also, they can have other provisions including minority contractor participation requirements, veteran participation guarantees, and community agreements which guarantees a percentage of persons in the area get the work. That list is not complete but some of the components. NCC had those ordinances in place, but Meyer dissected all of them when he entered office. Minority contractor participation is at an all -time low (NCC numbers, not mine). No community workforce agreements which preclude Delaware companies from doing the work we all pay for in our taxes. Most States give preference in bidding to local business to keep the cycle of business high for its own residents. There are no guarantees of veteran workers participating on the jobs.
      These ordinances were one of the first changes in the Meyer attempt to dismantle Unions. Less Delawareans are getting these large projects with no veteran or minority participation. These numbers are easy to FOIA. The person that Meyer assigned to pass it was Marcus Henry who talked Street and Hollins into helping. All of them said minority participation would increase under their new rules. When Marcus Henry came in to interview with the Unions, he said that he knew what was happening but was required to follow the direction of his boss who was directing him.
      I know this site typically does not trust police officers, but Meyer has tried to gut the NCC FOP Union. His tactics through negotiations for the first 7 years got those officers less wage increases than the rates throughout the State. Their ranks are decimated right now causing a public safety crisis. They are more than 75 officers short and it takes a couple years for officers to get up to speed. Only Wilmington seems to be as bad. Only after Meyer announces for Gov. does he see the problem and renegotiates an existing agreement because he wants the votes of those officers and others across the State. Also, everyone seems to forget the Chief he put in place that by all accounts sexually harassed women officers and caused an unsafe and hostile workplace. When the stories started hitting the papers of the payouts for those harassments, he fully supported the Chief and kept him on to do the same thing over again.
      How about the Municipal Unions and their troubles to get a reasonable contract? He has given them less than cost of living raises in his time as NCC Executive. Look at the number of open positions in the County or number of outside agency persons doing work that was performed by a NCC employee. I believe the rate is near 20%(Not as sure on this one).
      I could write all night on why the Unions hate him, but these are a few examples. By the way, there is nothing more disturbing to me or other Union members than to hear Meyer tell everyone how Union friendly he is why he tells his own staff that he is and has gone after Unions in the past. You wanted some reason why and here are some.

      • Curious says:

        Thanks for that. Seriously. I’m voting for Meyer and still will but that’s the best articulation of what the fuck the issue is that I’ve heard. This is a much more effective way to communicate than to run a banner plane at the beach.

        • Alby says:

          I second that. This is an excellent overview of the Meyer-vs.-unions situation. Thanks, Paul.

        • Paul T says:

          I thank you for the comment but disagree on the plane banner. None of those have been negative. The plane company won’t allow it. They are pro candidate and that will never be Meyer from our perspective.

          • Curious says:

            The plane banner literally said : “Stop Meyer”.

          • Joey says:

            For some reason, Meyer is still holding out on a new contract for the mid-level managers and professionals union at the County. It’s been over a year. All other unions have new contracts.

      • Alby says:

        “No community workforce agreements which preclude Delaware companies from doing the work we all pay for in our taxes.”

        This is not correct. Such agreements are the ones that preclude something. Not having them means Delaware companies have to bid against out of state companies. Having them means they don’t have to worry about outside competition.

  3. Well. I take my well-earned rest and the trolls come out at night.

    I’m leaving it up. Why? Because I went back and watched this clip from Bulworth. Because that’s what it reminded me of:


  4. liberalgeek says:

    I saw him at the Reggae Fest on Saturday. He was definitely code-switching. I was a little embarrassed for him.

  5. Al Catraz says:

    Do I gather there is supposed to be a video linked or embedded above?

  6. BLT says:

    I’ve had it. I’m done with Meyer. As the son of a veteran, I’m disgusted by his impersonating of a soldier who fought in combat. The other night he was kicked out of a meeting after he told people he served in Desert Storm and then when asked if he was in the military he said no. DISGUSTING. I don’t want BHL and I’m not entirely convinced by O’Mara yet that he’s running an effective enough campaign. But, Meyer is disgusting and his whole candidacy is nothing but a vanity project.

    • Curious says:

      This doesn’t feel like the real BLT. And this story sounds like bullshit.

      • We have ways of checking. I’ll check.

        However, Meyer has consistently mentioned his diplomatic role.

        I don’t think anyone has said anything to the contrary.

        So he was almost certainly telling the truth.

        Ol’ Lump is, of course, a backer of BHL, so there’s that.

        • Bill DM says:

          I think the hangup is on the word “served.” You don’t throw that term around frivolously, ESPECIALLY around veterans. He used that term in his Memorial Day post. It was a nice sentiment, but it leaves the image that he was embedded with troops on the front lines, not a private contractor meeting with other private entities.

          • Alby says:

            Yeah, this is much worse than pretending $300,000 was just mis-entered in the ledgers. Give me a break.

          • Back to playing your phony role as the ‘honest arbiter’, I see.

            Might well be time to have the blog undergo the procedure known as ‘The Enema Of The People’.

            You know, in order to flush the trolls out of the system.

            They may have some value here, but they don’t run the place.

    • Paul T says:

      My wife was at the 14/28th meeting that night. He did say what was reported and Rep. Carson politely told him that he could leave after questioning him. There were other veterans in the room as well. Another factor may have been they were holding the meeting at the VFW when Meyer claimed he had served. That was just dumb

      • Curious says:

        Oh. Lumpy is involved? You should have said that earlier. Then I definitely know it’s bullshit.

        • Paul T says:

          How about Kyra Hoffner there? Does it make it better that he claimed to be a veteran if she was there as well? Or Joanne Masten who was running the meeting? Meyer lied again and got called out on it. The VFW was the building. Btw…did you know the “V” stands for veterans?

          • Alby says:

            I know lots of veterans who’ve never joined the VFW and never would. Just drop it. This is a liberal blog. You’re not going to get anywhere with the vet-humping.

      • Alby says:

        “Veterans” and “the VFW” are two very different groups. Fuck the VFW.

        • Jess T says:

          The members of any VFW, (Veterans of Foreign Wars) are the only ones that should use the word “served.”
          Contractors do not serve- Veterans, that did not take part in combat theater, don’t even say they served. They identify themselves as Veterans.
          Meyer, did say he served in Iraq. There is no excusing that. Maybe one of his super fans can guide him in the correct direction.
          Gold Star family here.

    • Alby says:

      “Meyer is disgusting and his whole candidacy is nothing but a vanity project.”

      The definition of a vanity project is running when you know you can’t win, so you’re wrong by definition.

      “As the son of a veteran…”

      That’s pretty fucking lame, and I’d think so even if you were the veteran. In my generation damn near everyone was the child of a veteran. You’re nothing special, and you’re not honoring him with this silly diatribe.

  7. Curious says:

    For one thing, he was maybe 15 years old in desert storm? So I doubt he said he served in the military during desert storm.

    If you meant the second Iraq war, I’ve heard him say it a dozen times and he’s never said military that I’ve heard. He says he served as a diplomat. Which I believe is very true.

    I suspect you probably meant desert storm though because you’re an idiot and a liar. And the problem with liars is they start forgetting their lies. It becomes harder to keep track of.

    You haven’t learned yet from bhl? Your fearless leader? What happens when the lies finally catch up to you?

    Give me a break and go back to the hole you people crawled out from.

    • puck says:

      “He did say what was reported”

      Let’s take a closer look at that report:

      he told people he served in Desert Storm and then when asked if he was in the military he said no.

      Meyer served in Iraq in the U.S. Foreign Service. That’s “service.”

      I doubt Meyer said “Desert Storm.” Near as I can tell Meyer arrived in Iraq in 2004. Desert Storm ended in 1991 while Meyer was an undergraduate at Brown University.

      Nice try for a smear though. It’ll probably have legs in firehalls and Facebook.

      “mutual assured destruction”

      Please proceed.

    • Not karl says:

      “A military handbook from 2010 described the economic reconstruction that Meyer engaged in as done by teams of civilians and soldiers who “gain access to local power centers” to determine the economic issues to address.

      Among the deals he ultimately did in Iraq was to advise “a privately-held oil and gas services company” when it received an investment from the International Finance Corporation, according to the archived attorney webpage.

      The privately-held oil company referenced in the profile appears to be HKN Energy, which was working on the expansion of an oil field in northern Iraq at the time.”
      (Karl Baker spotlight article)

  8. Mutually-assured destruction.

    Just thought I’d mention that phrase at this point.

    • Curious says:

      Yes we know that’s Colin’s strategy. Everyone knows. He’s going to rise from the ashes as the golden boy white savior. It’s a bad strategy for a thousand different reasons but it’s what you have. Again. Good luck. I’d vote for him if it was a matter of him versus Bethany. But if he gets her elected. He and his wife better go to the west coast for their next venue.

      • Alby says:

        Wait – what? He has a strategy? Sorry, nobody is going to vote for someone whose name they’ve never heard, which is the case for Mr. O’Mara.

        Sorry, El Som, I’d love to vote for him, but unless and until he starts running an actual campaign, I think he’s nothing but a spoiler. I don’t care about his plans for the state because I can’t see that he even knows how to run a campaign.

  9. puck says:

    I don’t follow county politics that closely and I didn’t know much about Meyer. I just read a few bios and was unexpectedly impressed by his background. Clearly not a good ol’ boy, which explains the animosity from the good ol’ boys. Now I have to catch up on O’Mara.

  10. Eder says:

    Maravelis is a greasy goon who turns people off

    And Matt Meyer is a trust fund kid with issues

    Both can be true

    I’m voting Omara