DL Open Thread Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Filed in Open Thread by on June 19, 2024 14 Comments

My 10-year-old grandson asked me what Juneteenth was. When I told him it was when the news of the Union victory in the Civil War, which had technically been over for weeks, reached slaves in Texas, his only question was why the news took so long to get there. Then he went back to playing Fortnite with some kid in Australia.

In what I suppose is poetic justice, a Virginia congressional primary between the deplorable Bob Good, head of the Freedom Caucus, and his even more abhorrent Trump-sucking opponent remains too close to call. I look forward to this two yobbos going at each other hammer and tongs, since anyone who voted for either one of them deserves a steel-cage death match. And so do we.

A friend of mine has been saying for years that the political poles have flipped since the ’60s – right-wingers are now the radicals calling for revolution, and liberals are the establishment they’re fighting. Michael Tomasky makes much the same point in noting that today’s “silent majority” is liberal, which could mean a better-than-expected Democratic performance in November.

Time for your periodic reminder that, while nobody is calling it genocide, the famine brewing in Sudan could be worse than the famine in Gaza, and for the same reason – food aid is interdicted while arms shipments get through.

Roger Stone, the only living American more odious than Trump, says Trump will be president again no matter how the voting goes in November because he has judges in his pocket, and he said this on tape. I can never decide what’s worse, their reprehensible politics or their arrogant prickitude.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Dog Bites Man: Texas Megachurch Pastor Resigns After Sexual Abuse Allegations:


    Yes, he was a member of Trump’s so-called ‘Faith Advisory Committee’.

    Did they advise Trump on his faith? If so, Epic Fail.

  2. Jason says:

    I was playing with my G.I. Joe at the time, but wasn’t Nixon’s “silent majority” a figment of his imagination? I hope history fails to repeat.

  3. Grant Brunner says:

    HB265 — the likely unconstitutional internet censorship bill — passed the house EASILY yesterday. Vile.

    Please, please, please use this form to tell the Senate to kill this bill: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-legislators-to-vote-no-on-unconstitutional-age-verification-law/

    • Yep. I think that Mike Smith placed something like 5 amendments on the bill.

      I STILL don’t know what the bill would do since pretty much everything and everybody is exempt.

      Looks like a brochure bill to me.

  4. The MoMo says:

    Senate agenda for tomorrow – as of right now – brings Baumbach’s End-of-Life Options to a final vote. Hope it passes and he can be over there to see it.

  5. Anon says:


    I wanted to be sure people saw this absolutely vile and disgusting attack from Marjorie Taylor Greene on Sarah McBride.

    Though it turned my stomach, we shouldn’t look away. Sarah is going to be taking a lot of heat and incoming nastiness from national monsters like MTG. As a queer person who hears this kind of stuff all the time, it’s incredibly important for everyone to know what Sarah and trans people all over the world see and hear and have to contend with.

    Hopefully, any young trans or queer people who see MTG’s attacks will also see Sarah’s strength and grace and be inspired that they can be leaders too. I’m really proud that Delaware could be the very first state in the country to elevate a transgender person to high office. It gives me goosebumps.

    • Jason says:

      That was rough, and it will not be long before Trump picks it up. No doubt Sarah will need very good security from now on.

      Even though I selfishly want a smackdown, I doubt Sarah replies directly and elevates this shit stain of a human.

      • puck says:

        MTG wants a smackdown; therefore I don’t want one.

        Sarah’s lack of belligerence is key to the perception of her as a wonderful human being and will defuse most haters.

        MTG’s star is sinking and best thing is to ignore her.

    • Anybody who has spent even a little time with Sarah knows that she is simply a wonderful human being.

      That’s the message I want to convey to the would-be haters.

      Betcha she wins quite a few of the generic haters over once she gets to DC.

      If not, it’s on them.

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