Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 20, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 20, 2024

Yeah, I understand.  The Budget Bill and a Supplemental Appropriations bill will be considered today.

But the Big Story is that this may well be the day that Paul Baumbach realizes his crowning legislative achievement.  I’m not sure how many years it’s been, but his ceaseless work on behalf of a Death With Dignity statute serves as a master class in the art of legislating.  He made End Of Life options a cause, and he crusaded for it.  He never gave up, was always seeking to broaden his coalition of support, and now stands on the precipice of seeing his hard work become reality.  The bill, much like Baumbach himself, exudes empathy and humanity.  HB 140 passed in the House by a 21-16 margin.  Reps. Cooke and Matthews voted no, and the Wilmington delegation was absent.   Pretty sure there was a funeral that day. I look for a more comfortable margin in the Senate today, and yes, I’ll be watching.  A singular achievement from a Hall Of Fame-worthy legislator.

Rep. Baumbach also sponsors three bills designed to protect current and future state employee retirees.  You can find them on today’s Senate Agenda as Consent Agenda X.

SB 195 (Pinkney) is a companion bill of sorts to HB 140:

The Delaware Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment “DMOST” was enacted in 2016 under HB 64 (148th). The DMOST form allows Delawareans to plan ahead for health-care decisions, express their wishes in writing, and both enable and obligate health care professionals to act in accordance with a patient’s expressed preferences.

This Act will improve the utilization of DMOST forms by health-care practitioners, health-care providers, emergency-care providers, and patients and their families by creating a DMOST Program at the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS).

Yes,  two budget bills will be considered today.  Here they are:  SB 325 and SB 326, both sponsored by Sen. Paradee and all of the members of the Joint Finance Committee.  Don’t think I’ve heard any complaints about vital items being left out, so it looks like JFC did an excellent job.

For the most part, today’s House Agenda appears largely designed to pass as many House bills as possible so that they may be considered in the Senate before the end of Session.  Which is as it should be.

You will spot the one notable exception at the very bottom of the House Agenda–SB 313 (Townsend).  The controversial bill designed to protect Delaware’s preeminence when it comes to corporate law.  While there may be a smattering of no votes, it will pass.  Why?  Because Delaware’s economy continues to rest on the deals the state makes with the Devil.  It’s the same reason why the Trumps of this world can safely incorporate LLC’s with malign purposes here.

In addition to today’s session, the Bond Bill Committee will mark up the Capital Improvements bill today.  Look for it on Tuesday’s agenda.

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  1. The MoMo says:

    Paradee has opted to move a lot of budgeted dollars for nonprofit-contracted residential services to grant-in-aid. This has created a lot of consternation as to the what the budget bill leaves behind and what organizations will have to do to realize the dollars they normally receive through budget/agency budgets

    • Well, they could always fill some of that gap by moving the funding for two worthless agencies–PAL Of Delaware and Jobs For Delaware Graduates–to more deserving agencies.

      That, of course, ain’t happening with Our PAL Val and Nicole ‘No Longer’ Poore feeding at the public trough. In disgraceful manners.

      • Arthur says:

        He did make sure DE Turf got a few mil

        • Betcha there wasn’t money in the budget to study the health impact of that turf on the children who play on it.

          We’ll find out someday, but it won’t be due to any initiative from the Delaware General Assembly.

        • John Kowalko says:

          Gee millions for brother Paradee Del. Turf. But Trey won’t approve $800,000 for OIG start up. Wonder what an OIG look-see into the Turf scam would have revealed?

          • The MoMo says:

            Sir – is it the same brother Paradee who just got his reappointment in the Senate as well?

            • Not the only Paradee who’s connected, though.

              Jacqueline Paradee Mette, who was an attorney for Carney when they all looked the other way on the hinky DelTurf deal, is now the Executive Director of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission.

  2. Paul Baumbach’s End Of Life Decisions bill is now being considered.

    Sen. Jubilation T. Buckson is, um, orating. Actually wrapped it up quicker than usual. A plus.

    • Another Mike says:

      Bill fails, 9-9, with 1 not voting and 2 absent. Townsend changed to a no vote at the end as a procedural matter. Mantzavinos, Poore and Walsh vote no. Who was absent besides Pettyjohn?

      • The MoMo says:

        Hocker, but minority caucus had stall plans to get him back if needed. Had he come back, Townsend could have stayed a Yes to make it 10-10 and sent the vote to Bethany Hall Long. Not doing so says enough about her position, I suppose.
        Sen. Brown was an unexplained No, I would think he may be a target along side Not Voting Hoffner.

  3. Baumbach’s bill goes down–for now. It had 10 yes votes. Sen.Townsend changed his vote to no in order to be able to bring the bill back.

    Poore, Mantzavinos, and Walsh had expressed their concerns on the floor.

    Darius Brown voted no. No explanation provided.

    Kyra Hoffner went not voting. No explanation provided.

    All R’s voted no.

    I did not expect that result.

    • Grant Brunner says:

      Hoffner is a sponsor! What the hell is this?

      • Well, the bill can be brought back.

        The final tally was 9 Y, 10 N (once Townsend switched). 1 absent (Pettyjohn) and one Not Voting (Hoffner).

        • Grant Brunner says:

          The numbers on the general assembly site are 9 yes, 9 no (including Townsend’s procedural no), 2 absent (Hocker, Pettyjohn), 1 not voting (Hoffner).

          Townsend’s switch makes sense, but Hoffner’s not voting makes no sense. She better have a good explanation.

      • The MoMo says:

        Hoffner NV as a sponsor is egregious. This from someone whose platform was so heavily in health, med marijuana and and pain management

        • I suspect they thought they had the votes. Don’t know what Darius was up to.

          Darius gonna Darius.

          • Bane says:

            Maybe he’s not a fan. Why does have have to be up to something?

            • The MoMo says:

              Sitting between impassioned speeches from Mantzavnios and Poore had to pressure him a bit. Still, when going against the Majority Leader presenting a bill, normally you explain why (both him and Hoffner). He wouldn’t have known it would make a difference since he votes first. But she would have known given the prior speeches (and her own sponsorship count….)

              • Jonathan Tate says:

                I have heard from a very reliable source that Darius was probably gonna be a No vote coming into today.