Delaware Liberal

Song of the Day 6/21: Bill Lloyd, “The Fix Is In”

This one’s for Aileen Cannon, the unqualified federal judge who’s slow-walking Donald Trump’s stolen documents trial and refused colleagues’ calls to recuse herself. You can figure out why.

Bill Lloyd is a veteran Nashville singer and songwriter, best known as half of Foster & Lloyd. The songwriting duo recorded three albums and landed several singles on the country charts before breaking up in 1990. Lloyd has interspersed his solo career with session work ever since. This song comes from his 2012 album “Boy King of Tokyo.” I like how the first verse uses a metaphor about rising water, so fitting for a case in south Florida.

Though he’s mainly a country artist, Lloyd also had a foot in the power pop camp. He played guitar for Marshall Crenshaw for a while, and released two solo albums in the mid-’90s filled with tunes that wouldn’t sound out of place in a Crenshaw set. This was a single from Lloyd’s 1994 solo LP “Set to Pop.”

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