DL Open Thread Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on June 26, 2024

One of the news media’s longest-running crime dramas came to an underwhelming finish yesterday when the U.S. government reached a plea deal with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange that will allow him to go free after 13 years living in embassies and prisons. This started back when it was big news that the U.S. committed war crimes in Iraq. I don’t think that surprises anyone anymore.

The judge in Trump’s New York hush money trial partially lifted Trump’s gag order, allowing him to attack the jurors who convicted him without fear of incurring more slaps on his wrists. Everyone expects this will unleash his zombie minions to exact revenge, mostly by tweeting out misspelled death threats.

The Beetlejuice Groper, Lauren Boebert, won her crowded primary in the Colorado district she carpet-bagged into, allowing her to star in another season of “Catfighting Congresswomen of Washington” opposite Sextuple B – Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body Marjorie Taylor Greene.

If there’s a difference between reporting on sports and politics, it’s too slight to be discernible. News feeds are overflowing with stories about THE BIG DEBATE! just as they are before THE BIG GAME! Give Trump credit for realizing these exercises have more in common with professional wrestling or the Miss America pageant, two media extravaganzas he wormed his way into back in the day, than the Lincoln-Douglas debates. His disdain for the hollow pomp of politics is the cornerstone of his support.

The floor’s yours.

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