Delaware Political Weekly: June 21-27, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 28, 2024 25 Comments

1. Yo, Collin.  It’s Time!  There has been, to put it charitably, a dearth of visible political activity from you.  Haven’t gotten any updates from you even though I’ve contributed. I mean, even photos from events you’re attending, something just to show that you’re, um, attending events. The latest update on your Facebook page is from May.  Your candidate homepage doesn’t appear to have been updated at all.  You know, with events, photos, anything at all to suggest an active campaign.  I think you’d make the best Governor of those in the race.  However, if you’re not all the way in, let us know now–and then endorse Matt Meyer–so we don’t have to face the disaster of BHL occupying the Governor’s office.

2.  NCC Dems Endorse Kyle Evans Gay.  They may have endorsed others. I mean, how could you not endorse Marcus Henry when the opponent is Karen Hartley-Nagle? (Note to self: Call our District Chair and ask her how the meeting went.)  However, if you saw Kyle’s performance on the floor of the Senate this week,  you could be forgiven in wishing that she was running for Governor instead of Lt. Governor.  I’m proud that our 7th RD Committee supported this recommendation.  If you don’t know her, you should really take the time.

3.  WFP Endorses Val Gould For NCC Council President!  They made other endorsements as well, but Val Gould is an extraordinary candidate.  They spoke (along with Jason Hoover) at this past week’s Arden Town Meeting.  Val exudes the kind of humanity that I, for one, value in elected officials.  And human beings, for that matter.  It’s gonna be an uphill fight in a five-way primary.  It’s a race that Val can win.  However, win or lose, Val has a bright political future.  Assuming that Sarah McBride gets elected to Congress, someone will have to take her place in Dover.  Val would be right at the top of the list for me.  The other endorsements–all worthy–Rep. Sophie Phillips in RD 18 (future Speaker?);  WCC Councilwoman Shane Darby in CD 2;  and Kevin Caneco for NCC Council District 12 (a huge upgrade).

4.  Sarah McBride Gets New Primary Challenger (?).  One Earl Cooper.  Don’t know if it’s the golf guy who has a community outreach job with Mayor Mike.  Could also be a guy who started a heavy machinery business in Wilmington.  Who can fill in the blanks?  Including, why?

5. Cyndie Romer Gets R Challenger.  One David Hansberger.  Perhaps his website is under construction, perhaps not.  Looks like a stock photo, David’s not in it.  I think it’s this guy, but that’s all I could dig up.  David, care to share?  Anyway, name on the ballot.

6.  Darius Brown Gets Token Challenger.  One Jon Roe.  Apparently his real name.  Green Party?  Is that really his real name?

7.  3rd Candidate Files In Wilmington City Council District 7.  One James Dahlke.  An ‘Ambassador’ for the Chamber Of Commerce.  And an office manager for First Citizens Community Bank.  Other candidates are incumbent Chris Johnson and challenger Peggy Brooks.

That’s all I’ve got this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?


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  1. Jonathan Tate says:

    James Dahlke is the Delaware DSA Treasurer and a WFP member (though IDK if he’s sought out their endorsement) who’s also been the 7th Ward Wilmington Dems Chair and in that capacity knocked every door in the district already. Dude graduated from Long Beach Poly High School when he was 16; he’s got brains and work ethic and I can’t wait to knock doors with him.

    • If you’ve knocked doors with him, I’ve probably knocked doors with him.

      • Jonathan Tate says:

        I think you have, James and I knocked together for Branden back in the spring at that park on 3rd Street in Quaker Hill. I think you were there but I’m not positive

        • Pretty sure the only time I knocked in Quaker Hill was during school board elections a year or two back…remember knocking on Matt Meyer’s door, although he wasn’t home at the time.

          • Jonathan Tate says:

            OHHH yes, we knocked on doors for Doug and Y.F. Branden was there, but James wasn’t. That’s why I thought it was for Branden *facepalm*

  2. Jordyn Pusey says:

    This ad from Collin came across my Facebook feed.

    • GirlDad says:

      Just a girl dad doing very normal and natural dad like things.

      Holy smokes that’s worse than doing nothing.

      Can we stop pretending this is a serious candidacy or person? Feels much more like a midlife crisis.

      So Karl, take your L and try and get people to forget that you fucked this up so badly.

      • I was initially skeptical, though intrigued, by WFP’s endorsement of Collin. I was blown away by his presentation at the WFP endorsement event. I could see why they endorsed him.

        Figured he’d use it to springboard into contention as he had momentum.

        But he hasn’t. Can’t understand why there’s been so little activity.

    • The MoMo says:

      His campaign is a lot like his diapering… not very well done…

      • Jarvis says:

        Like a dirty diaper, the longer this campaign stagnates the worse it stinks. Either he has misrepresented his intentions or there are internal challenges

        • Facts says:

          Obviously he doesn’t have a single woman around him because they would have made the point that he didn’t diaper his daughter correctly. That ad went through a lot of hoops for someone to not have noticed that.

          The White savior boy tree house club

  3. FWIW says:

    For County Council President, check out Jason Hoover who has a deep track record in land preservation and environmental advocacy, exactly what is needed to help bring about change in NCC land use policy re: smart growth, and address our seemingly never-ending sprawl. Jason founded and led Save the Valley which many readers might be familiar with. The existence of our Natinal Park and preserved lands through Beaver Valley are largely thanks to Jason. He understands that attracting jobs and quality of life are tied to a healthy environment and outdoor recreation opportunities.

    • Jarvis says:

      There are a lot of people in chateau country who engage in land preservation as a way to maintain their economic status quo and keep affordable housing at bay. Does Jason have plans for us down on the route 40 corridor?

      • Funny you should mention that. We went to Penn Woods Winery on Friday. Real laid-back vibe. Nice wine and munchies. Perfect place to unwind.

        There were Jason Hoover signs on the road leading to the winery.

        The road–and the winery–are in Pennsylvania.

      • Alby says:

        There’s no open space left along Rt. 40 to preserve, is there?

        • Jordyn Pusey says:

          There is quite a bit of farmland, forrested and/or undeveloped areas around Walther Road and Salem Church Road right off 40, as well as heading west on OBP, and 72 & 40. I spent a lot of time in the 26th while running Madinahs campaign so my knowledge is a bit limited to that area, but there seems to be plenty of land worth preserving.

          • Alby says:

            I guess our definitions of “plenty” differ. I can see the two modestly sized farms you mention along Route 40.

            You’ve got the Sunset Lake Preserve out that way, and it’s bigger than those farms.

    • I just want to comment on this b/c it pissed me off.

      Both Jason and Val Gould impressed our RD 7 committee. Moreso than the other candidates, but we couldn’t decide between the two.

      Jason said that he was the only candidate who refuses to take contributions from developers. He repeated the same claim when I heard both speak in Arden.

      That is untrue. Val Gould has made the same pledge. If Jason was unaware of that when he spoke before our RD 7 meeting, fine.

      But he WAS aware of it when he made the same false claim at Arden.

      Is ‘disingenuous’ too harsh a word?

    • Joe Connor says:

      Save the Valley is a primarily PA group. I’ll say what everybody is tip toeing around. The dude is a straight up liar.

      • FWIW says:

        Not true, Joe. Save the Valley was formed primarily to protect the Woodlawn lands which “everyone” already thought were protected. Where do you think the National Park came from? Woodlawn property in behind the JCC and Pilot School and the Shop Rite on 202, and Ramseys Farm.

  4. Alby says:

    It’s looking more and more like O’Mara is a BHL cat’s paw.

    • MonteCristo says:

      Omara needs to drop out. Nothing against the guy personally. He seems decent and smart and I hope she runs for something else at some point. But it’s clear he doesn’t have a shot at this. He should withdraw otherwise it’s clear the only reason he’s running is to spoil. I still don’t think he actually even has enough support to do that but better safe than sorry.

      Otherwise it really seeems like he’s doing this at the behest of establishment mutants who want bhl to win and are playing to his ego to accomplish it. I don’t think hall long or her people are that smart or savvy or able to execute but Colin just drop out. Enough is enough.

    • BLT says:

      Exactly. It is time for WFP to abandon him and his ridiculous excuse of a campaign and help elect the only other person who can finally rid this state of the Carney catastrophe that will continue with BHL.

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