Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, June 28, 2024

Anybody at that Debate Party at DelDems HQ last night?  Or is it too early to have sobered up?  I’ll merely cut-and-paste what I wrote yesterday:

Anyone else not gonna watch tonight’s ‘debate’?  I’m almost over the denial phase of my grief, headed towards–whatever comes after the denial stage of grief. As much as Biden is to blame for his chutzpah, a moribund national Democratic Party is equally to blame.  I mean, not even a discussion as to whether an increasingly-frail man in his eighties should run for reelection?  Hey, if you disagree with me, you can always attend that Debate Watch Party being sponsored by the Delaware Democratic Party. Me?  Can’t imagine a place I’d less rather be.

With this addendum:

Trump has been convicted, yet he has something like a 4-point lead nationwide.

If you don’t think that the fact that Biden is old and pretty enfeebled has something to do with it, I don’t know what to tell you.

Bottom line: He shouldn’t have run for reelection. We’re stuck with him and I’ll support him. But he was pretty much the only guy the D’s could have put up who would be in the position. I was raising this point a year ago, was told not to piss in my jeans.

I didn’t…then.

Me? I’m proclaiming a moratorium on pissed-jeans-shaming until, I don’t know, infinity and beyond?

Might also declare a moratorium on watching the news–for the next five years.  I’m at least considering it.

Now They’re Worried??!!    You know what the article says.  Read it if you’d prefer that to having nails driven into your forehead:

One Democratic donor texted a face-palm emoji with a single word: “Oy.” Another was more blunt, texting a yellow emoji spewing green vomit.

And by the time CNN’s 90-minute presidential debate between President Biden and former president Donald Trump concluded Thursday evening, even Biden’s former communications director Kate Bedingfield concluded on the network’s air, “It was a really disappointing debate performance from Joe Biden.”

One thing was clear by the end of the first 2024 presidential faceoff: Democrats were in a panic following Biden’s halting debate night performance. Their consternation encompassed the halls of Congress, the moneyed coastal cities of donors, the party strongholds across the country and the bars and living rooms where Democratic stalwarts gathered to cheer on their guy.

Because Biden, 81, failed to deliver.

The president — who desperately needed to use Thursday night’s debate to reassure skeptical voters that he has the physical and mental stamina to lead the nation — instead offered a shaky performance, especially in the early minutes, when more voters were likely to be watching.

Perhaps more alarming for Democrats, Biden played into Trump’s caricature — of an enfeebled man past his prime — that has privately worried even some of Biden’s staunchest supporters.

‘Privately’.  That word again.  Because the Democratic Party’s strategy was to rally behind a guy too old to be President and to hope that nothing bad happens.

Next strategy, please.

What do you want to talk about?

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