Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Sunday, June 30, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 30, 2024 10 Comments

The Big Story:

Police Athletic League Of Delaware $200,000

Jobs For Delaware Graduates $1,395,197 (!!)

That’s the funding that these two agencies will receive through the Grants-In-Aid bill.  Two agencies run by two unqualified state legislators who receive their undeserved salaries and benefits because they feed at the public trough in an unethical manner to keep their agencies afloat.  Our PAL Val Longhurst and Nicole ‘No Longer’ Poore, in case this is your first time visiting the blog.

Jobs For Delaware Graduates has been worthless since its inception (by Pete DuPont) right around 1980.  Created in such a way that any federal standards that would apply to this ostensible jobs program did not apply to JDG.  Which is why Delaware taxpayers pay for it.

I guess that PAL of Delaware needs the funding because otherwise Hockessin would turn into a haven for youth crime.  Of course, Our PAL Val uses her dual positions as Speaker and as head of PAL to threaten and cajole other jurisdictions into fattening her coffers.

I highly recommend that you go through the Grants-In-Aid bill and identify other suspect recipients of the state’s largesse.  Pro-tip:  Look at some of the new recipients.  OK, I’ve got one:  Delaware Restaurant Association Educational Foundation:  $50,000.  The organization that lobbies against waitstaff earning sufficient wages has an educational foundation now?  To train lobbyists to convince legislators NOT to enable waitstaff to earn survival wages?

Frankly, and maybe I’m missing something here, several of these items look like they belong in the Budget Bill.  A lot.  I’d heard that there was some trickery going on–anyone care to elucidate?  For example $750K for a Child Care Licensing System.  Admirable, I support it.  But it’s a direct result of legislation, and the duties are to be carried out by a state agency.  If there are capital costs involved, those should go in the Bond Bill.  But none of it should be in the Grants-In-Aid.  What’s going on here?

Where’s Nancy Willing when I need her?  Something sneaky is going on here.

Today’s session, which can, and almost certainly will, end before midnight, is a clearinghouse for all the stuff that hasn’t been worked yet and/or that Our PAL Val has deigned to be allowed to be worked today.

Multiple agendas in both chambers.  Plus, there will almost certainly be a few stragglers that have to go through both houses today:

House Agendas.

Senate Agendas.

The final scheduled item on the Senate Agenda is the ‘designation of the Orange Crush’ as the State Cocktail.  Just the right note to send Speaker Pete back to his Suxco roots.  Hey, he can have a few, and there ain’t a cop in the state who would pull him over.

I know that some of you have concerns about particular bills as I’ve been receiving your texts and/or e-mails.  Please share those concerns in the comments section.

That’s a wrap.  Except for the wrap-up.

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  1. Jason says:

    Seems like the very definition of corruption. But let me check that…

    Yup –
    Corruption is defined as behavior by individuals that aims to secure a monetary advantage in business or politics through unethical or illegal dealings.

  2. I’m wondering if what they’re trying to do with the Grants-In-Aid bill is even constitutional. Some of the items appear to be for capital expenditures, which ordinarily would require a 3/4 majority in the Bond Bill, such as a computerized child care licensing system, which is what is specified.

    But they’re gonna do it here with a simple majority vote?

    What do our Solomonic Solons think?

  3. The MoMo says:

    Lengthy lists today in both chambers and several bills will need to cross today. One appears to be the zombified HS 1 for HB 383. The bill was thought to be dead following negative public comment of DHSS and Governor concerns relating to drug makers. Evidently yes, his claiming a win over the movement of Incyte to the City is more important than ensuring the pharma company is not acting in discriminatory manners to the federally-qualified health centers that support those most in need throughout the state. First in the House, they made Rep Harris carve out hospitals from these protections. She candidly remarked on the floor when asked why the bill was being amended in this way that it was to get it passed and signed. The Senate Amendment just completely eliminates the section of the bill relating to drugmakers and resellers and retains only the component of regulating the middlemen. Will this trickle down to regulation of the pharma groups? Seems like a court may decide.

  4. Another Stoopid Rethug Senate Resolution Goes Down:

    ‘Nonpartisan seating’ = a sure way to lower the collective IQ of the Senate Majority.

  5. The Grants-In-Aid bill is a 3/4 majority bill.

    Which doesn’t explain why stuff that belongs in the Budget bill and Bond bill are in there.

    • mediawatch says:

      The likely explanation is that the bean-counting presumably future mayor of Wilmington has more influence over the shaping of the budget and the bond bill than he does over grants in aid. If a bill can pass with a 3/4 majority, there’s no point in Mr. Green Eyeshade considering a veto.

  6. Rufus Y Kneedog says:

    A couple of other tidbits; Nemours Foundation getting $50K – not sure why, their 2021 990 reports $488million in cash and another $630million in investments, plus another $6billion in a supporting trust.
    Several entities getting big bumps – Child Inc going from $305K to $1,253,900; Children’s Advocacy Center of Delaware going from $0 to $1,136,800; People’s Place II going from $275K to $1,173,300. Might have to do with moving funding here from other places in the budget.
    WHYY goes from $200K down to $180K – didn’t they just write a couple of articles?
    Another change – GIA recipients are no longer required to get an audit done – a review or compilation will be accepted.

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