DL Open Thread Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on July 2, 2024 24 Comments

All you people who were freaking out over Joe Biden’s stumblebum debate performance now have something bigger to freak out about, as the nation’s corrupt Supreme Court just made Richard Nixon’s claim – “If the president does it, it’s not illegal” – the law of the land.

I’ve scoured what we used to call the wires, and there’s nothing else breaking through. Barring natural catastrophe or a deadlier-than-usual mass shooting, it appears that’s the only news media is going to be talking about for some time.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Jason says:

    I’m sure our sober centrist Democratic Party will find some workable middle ground on the question of when and how the President’s new kinglike powers of life and death should be used.

    • paul says:

      Start with sending Alito, Roberts, Thomas to an Egyptian black site and nomination three liberal justices. Once U.S. Marshalls have arrested the troika, replace them. Who has the authority to challenge this? No one will. It’s all legal.

      • Jason says:

        I’d add in a few Fox News on air personalities, Ted Cruz and MTG. you know…for the good oif the country.

  2. DropOutJoeBeforeOurCountryTanks says:

    Imagine how great it would be if this decision came through while Bernie was president. Not that he’s criminally inclined at all (or that SCOTUS’ decision was reasonable), but he’d go balls to the wall with it and finally get this country back on track…
    Of course we wouldn’t have had this SCOTUS decision if not for the DNC for foisting Hillary upon us in ’16. It sure was nice of them to sabotage Bernie during an election cycle where he could’ve won. And big thanks to Hilldawg and corporate media for giving Trump all the publicity he needed to win the R primary. That totally didn’t backfire on us.

  3. Beach Karen says:

    I find some amount of solace in knowing that it only applies to “official acts as President” as determined by a court.

    • puck says:

      “it only applies to “official acts as President” as determined by a court.”

      which can be appealed all the way up to… the Supreme Court.

    • DropOutJoeBeforeOurCountryTanks says:

      The flip side to this is we would otherwise be able to get GWB for war crimes and other fuckery…

      A stretch, I know. But one can dream.

  4. Alby says:

    You are not a lawyer, and you consequently are wrong.

  5. bamboozer says:

    I watched Biden walk across the stage and knew we were in trouble, listened to his wavering voice and knew it was big trouble. The Fascist have been planning this for a decade or two and now see the plans fruition. Step one was control of the supreme court, step two was a propaganda campaign facilitated by the corporate media and step three was failure at the DNC who took the cowards way out and stayed with an 81 year old candidate. The ruling from the supreme court was not unexpected, the goal to keep Trump viable, suspect we will all pay a great price.

    • Jason says:


      I agree with all that but I childishly thought that some point Big Money would evaluate the risk vs returns on fascism and apply the breaks.


  6. Hmm says:


    So the only thing Bethany and her office did – the opioid settlement money – apparently is rife with corruption and mismanagement. Who knew!

    It’s so bad the AG – who cochairs the commission with the Lt Gov – has demanded it be paused and made the history of mismanagement detailed in a lengthy open letter.

    So what’s the excuse now? Why the hell would any of the these legislators or unions support this incompetent crook?

    The simple answer: corruption.

    And I want to know what Hansen, Longhurst, Carney – and their staffs – have done to cover up all of this for so long. Enough is enough.

    • Wow. BHL was her typical wishy-washy self as she praised the ‘rigorous’ standards the commission applies.

      Seems like only AG Jennings is committed to such rigor.

      The State Auditor is also involved.

      Read the story, pipples.

      • Hmmm says:

        And read the AGs letter included in the article. It makes clear that Hall Long, Susan Holloway, and her chief of staff Keith Warren refused to put into place basic management tools and processes in place for nearly a year.

        That is either incompetence at a level bordering on the lack of ability to dress one’s self in the morning – or they didn’t want to track the money because they’re hiding something.

        How the fuck can our Governor and these alleged leaders support this woman and the corrupt thugs and morons around her?

  7. Jason says:

    Looks to me like Biden is out. Tea Leaves: Hunter brought to WH, Dem Candidates not sharing the stage with him, Nancy Pelosi statement, Admits to falling asleep on the debate stage. I hope everyone is ready to rally around Harris.

    Only a matter of when.

  8. nathan arizona says:

    Maybe Harris would be a competent president, but I bet she’s less popular than Biden even post-debate. I realize that practicalities could make her the logical candidate anyway if Joe drops out. Could somebody else be more successful than Harris? Gretchen Whitmer? As somebody said, she looks like a ’40s movie star and talks like a longshoreman. MAGA tried to kidnap her. And, oh yeah, she seems to have been a good governor. What’s not to like?

    The best thing would have been Biden not reminding voters of his age. The momentum is building toward a different nominee, for better or worse. Of course they’ll have to get around Jill.

    • puck says:

      If you assume Trump is now favored to win, the question for Democrats becomes – who would you rather lose with?

      Given that Democrats tend to savage their unsuccessful candidates (Gore, Kerry, Dukkakis, Hillary) – which up-and-coming Democrat wants to take that hit?

      Should another Democrat fight Harris for the nomination? Or would those young Dems prefer to stay clean for 2028?

      So after Biden, who is the most credible but expendable candidate? Probably Harris.

      I don’t buy that if Trump wins, there won’t be any more elections. There will be elections, but they will be increasingly corrupted and fixed. Until the fascists abolish freedom of speech, enough Americans will be able to call out the corruption of the elections.

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