DL Open Thread Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on July 3, 2024

Democrats, faced with adversity, are doing what they do best: Panicking and looking weak. A group of about two dozen House Democrats are planning to call on Biden to drop out. Yes, when danger rears its ugly head, they bravely turned their tails and fled. Extra bonus irony: A lot of these people are the same ones who think Democrats should be more like Republicans. Quick, how many GOP House members are slagging Trump for his sloppy debate performance?

This article does a good job of summing up the reasons Biden should drop out. They’re really no more compelling than they ever were, but they’re fair points. But it bears repeating: The people slagging the Democratic candidate, selected by Democratic voters, are Democrats. Now do you see why reporters insist they’re always in disarray? Besides, while that writer hand-waves the fact, none polls any better than Biden. But you know what the takeaway is for people who ignore politics? Even the Democrats don’t like their candidate, and, faced with adversity, Democrats panic. It’s not a look that inspires confidence in Democrats among voters.

I have no takeaway from the debates that changes my opinion of them, which is summed up nicely by this former editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer’s editorial pages: They have nothing to do with the job they’re applying for. If you’re looking for reasons politics has turned into empty theater, look no further.

Over in France, centrists and leftists are cooperating to fight the Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally. Several hundred candidates who finished third in the first round of voting have agreed to drop out so as not to split the anti-fascist vote. Take note, Collin O’Mara.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Arthur says:

    Years ago I said on here that the main difference between republicans and democrats is democrats will eat their own and republicans put more support behind their own

    • Alby says:

      It was true then and it remains true now.

      My hot take is that it’s Democrats’ reaction, not Biden’s infirmity, that will doom his re-election. If they can’t even figure out who runs their party, how can they run the country?

      • Jason says:

        Reading that I just realized one of Biden’s major built in disadvantages is that he built his Presidential brand around being a nice guy. He has hemmed himself in and now has to take pot shots from all sides. I don’t think it is sustainable.

  2. Jason says:

    I don’t read the NYT but I read about the NYT and mostly (these days) how the “The Gray Lady” really HATES Joe Biden. It is odd. Because he didn;t give them an exclusive interview? That doesn’t add up.

  3. DropOutJoeBeforeOurCountryTanks says:

    I realize these polls reflect name recognition more than anything else at this juncture but I found the result quite amusing: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/
    Apparently Michelle Obama could whoop his ass.

    • Alby says:

      That might explain why various MAGAts and Q types keep her name in circulation as a sort of demon woman.

  4. The MoMO says:

    Biden needs to schedule an evening address, no shorter than 10 full minutes, fiery and full of life like his SOTU. No questions, single topic: SCOTUS. Judicial ethics, expanding the Court, etc. Highlight where Courts briefly did protect us from Trump in order to remind people that his presidency was more than January 6 — the Muslim Ban was fixed by the Courts, for example. Maybe even highlight the VP and her experience, since he has one.

    • puck says:

      If he can.

      He needs to demonstrate an answer to Pelosi’s question about his debate performance: Was it an episode, or a condition?

    • DropOutJoeBeforeOurCountryTanks says:

      Nah. He needs to demonstrate that he can think on his feet. Another teleprompter reading isn’t going to restore faith that if he’s woken up by the red phone with six minutes to make a decision he will know what to do.

  5. Biden ‘Ally’ Says Biden May Drop Out If Support Wanes:


    Raise your hand if you DON’T think said ally is Chris Coons.

    No hands? Thought so.

  6. Andrew C says:

    HAVE NO FEAR EVERYONE. Governor Carney is on the case:


    “The governor’s spokesperson on Wednesday confirmed Carney will be attending a meeting with Democratic governors that the White House has arranged.”