DL Open Thread Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 9, 2024

The media’s feeding frenzy for forcing Biden out of the race continues but seems to be slackening a bit because the public isn’t climbing on board. Like a pug on your leg, WaPo and all the political sites are still humping away at it, but the broader Democratic public doesn’t seem to see the big deal, and why should they? For well over a year now, social media has been awash in edited clips that look just like what people saw at the debate, and they’ve already factored this into their decision.

So now the rampant speculation – fueled by the White House’s bumbling response to a crisis of their own making – is that Biden has Parkinson’s or some other neurologic disease, based on White House visits by a neurologist. Asking for a friend…isn’t suggesting that Parkinson’s would prevent a person from performing a job what the kidz call “ableist”?

In France, The average doctor in the U.S. graduates medical school more than $200,000 in debt. But why should the country do something about that when billionaires like Mike Bloomberg are around to shower their munificence on select medical schools one at a time? Bloomberg jumped aboard the trend by giving free tuition to Johns Hopkins University students. If you count the osteopaths, there are 195 medical schools in the U.S., and 756 billionaires (Delaware is one of only three states without one). You do the math.

They do everything bigger in Texas. While Delaware handed out $8 million of opioid settlement money with little oversight, Texas lawmakers have doled out to anti-abortion “pregnancy centers” – and continue to do so, even though abortion is now illegal in Texas.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Jason says:

    I admit that I’ve been on both sides of Biden must (quit/stay) in the past 24 hours, but I’m increasingly convinced this sentiment gets to the heart of most of the “Biden must quit” thinking:

    “If Biden doesn’t finish his term that means the black lady will be President.”

    • Arthur says:

      At this stage to have biden drop out would be like changing a car tire while driving down 95. He has the best shot at winning, but that doesnt mean he can’t resign a year into the term. Chances are he wont survive the second term

    • Joesgottago says:

      If that’s the case, then why has the congressional black caucus circled
      around Joe? Seems like they would have a vested interest in a historic candidacy.

      • Alby says:

        Think…maybe it’s easier to get that historic candidacy by inheriting it rather than running for it.

  2. jason says:

    The telling part is when people say Joe should quit, then go on to construct some fantasy in which the party doesn’t self destruct while trying to get someone other than Harris to be the nominee.

    My “Joe should quit” sentiments were pure because my version had/has Harris running as the incumbent President.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Too old to run myself, should have hit the bricks in 2016 and effed that up as well. Will sit tight and wait for the bullets to fly, especially when the incredibly corrupt supreme court gets going again. In 1865 we pretended that we were “all just Americans”, nothing could be further from the truth. Bet Putin is loving this, suspect that is part of the plan.