DL Open Thread: Thursday, July 11, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on July 11, 2024

How Texas Kills You.  Legally, I mean:

The state of Texas, blocked from purchasing lethal injection drugs by major pharmaceutical companies that refuse to participate in executions, bought them instead from an in-state, compounding pharmacy with a history of more than a dozen safety and cleanliness violations, NPR has learned.

Rite-Away Pharmacy and Medical Supply in suburban San Antonio produced injectable pentobarbital from 2019 through at least late 2023 for Texas to use in executions, records from the state Department of Criminal Justice and the federal Drug Enforcement Administration revealed.

The Rite-Away branch where the drugs were prepared is a compounding pharmacy, which means it can create drugs in-house from raw ingredients. Multiple states, including Texas in the past, have turned to compounding pharmacies to prepare their supplies of execution drugs from raw materials.

After Rite-Away agreed to make the pentobarbital injections, a state representative started hand-delivering small amounts of the active ingredient in pentobarbital, in powder form, to Rite-Away, the pharmacist said. The powder came in a bag stamped with a photocopied label that he guessed came from the original container, he said. The pharmacist said he figured the state purchased the larger stash from a “chemical company.”

“The most important logo on something like that is the thing that shows the federal drug schedule on it,” the pharmacist said. “And it was always clearly marked as it is.”

But the employees made the deliveries in cars that were not marked at all, he said. The vehicles they came in when delivering the powder looked like their personal ones, the pharmacist remembered. They were not marked as property of the Department of Criminal Justice.

“I don’t remember any of them ever coming in a DOC vehicle,” the former Rite-Away employee said, “because, again, that would attract attention.”

But the Rite-Away pharmacy where the execution drugs were prepared wasn’t the only one with problems.

In 2022, the U.S. Department of Justice sued another San Antonio Rite-Away office that is also owned by members of the Chaudhary family. Lawyers asserted it broke federal law for years by dispensing powerful opioids to people without valid prescriptions, falsifying hundreds of prescriptions for controlled substances and ignoring serious red flags that indicated people intended to abuse their medications. One woman died from an overdose shortly after the pharmacy filled her fentanyl prescription despite red flags, attorneys for the federal government alleged.

Well, hey, if you want a pharmacy to prepare drugs to kill people, wouldn’t you want to get them from a pharmacy with a track record of killing people?

Whataburger Tracks Texas Power Outages.   When, wait for it, the State Of Texas’ system for tracking power outages predictably broke down during Hurricane Beryl, a burger chain came to its rescue:

Hurricane Beryl had pummeled Southeast Texas on Monday, leaving millions in the Houston area without power. But with technical issues plaguing the tracker for the city’s main energy provider, there was no way to check the status of power outages — or find the still-lit pockets where residents could buy food, gas and other necessities.

Then Bryan Norton, a 55-year-old tech worker and podcast host, found help from an unlikely source: the Whataburger app.

The app’s map showed where its restaurants — which have a massive presence across Houston — were still open. Instead of providing Texans with info about where they could snag burgers, biscuits and taquitos, Norton soon noticed the map could be used to gauge where power in the city was still on or had been restored.

His discovery went viral after he posted about it on social media, where thousands credited him with helping them find out if their loved ones had power or how they could escape the sweltering heat as temperatures and humidity levels soared.

As of Wednesday night, CenterPoint’s website shows power has been restored to over a million customers, down from a peak of some 2.26 million on Monday. About 40 percent of Whataburger’s 165 locations across the Houston area are open.

A CenterPoint spokesperson said in a statement to The Post that its outage map has been unavailable since a destructive storm in May led to “technical challenges” as customers flooded the site. There are plans to replace the map with a “redesigned cloud-based platform” by the end of July, the spokesperson added.

Which Rethug Senate Candidate Profited From Fentanyl And Is Now Making His Opposition To Fentanyl A Campaign Issue?

After investing his hedge fund into Chinese fentanyl producers, stopping the flow of Chinese-produced fentanyl into the US is now one of Dave McCormick’s top priorities if he is elected to the US Senate this November. In the past, he’s called Chinese fentanyl a “terrorist threat” and an “insidious attack on America” in interviews and social media posts.

“I think we need to treat it as a national security threat it is,” McCormick told attendees at the time.  “What would I do? I would go after China in the sense I’d interdict ships, I would treat this like it’s nuclear plutonium.”

That same Dave McCormick?:

However, federal tax forms show that Bridgewater Associates invested in China’s largest fentanyl producer, Humanwell Healthcare, when McCormick served as CEO of Bridgewater Associates.

In 2021, seven Bridgewater Associates hedge funds held close to $1.7 million in stock in Humanwell Healthcare, which is traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

A 2022 Rand Corporation report on comparing the production of opiates stated that Humanwell Healthcare produces 90% of China’s fentanyl.

McCormick served as the President of Bridgewater Associates from 2009 to 2020 and then the company’s CEO from 2020 to 2022 when he lost to Dr. Mehmet Oz in the Republican primary for US Senate.In 2023, McCormick told the American Enterprise Institute that he was responsible for whatever the company did. 


Ramones Took A Rocket To Russia.  Clarence Thomas?  A Free Yacht Trip:

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been accused of not disclosing a yacht trip to Russia and a private helicopter flight to a palace in President Vladimir Putin’s hometown, among a slew of other gifts and loans from businessman Harlan Crow.

The list of potentially secret gifts also includes a loan of more than $267,000 provided by Thomas’ close friend Anthony Welters, the yacht trip to Russia from the Baltics, and the helicopter ride to Yusupov Palace in St. Petersburg. ProPublica first reported last year on the existence of extensive undisclosed gifts and lavish trips from Crow.

Absolute Power Equals Absolute Corruption.  Our Supreme Court.  BTW, there is no song called ‘Rocket To Russia’ on ‘Rocket To Russia’.

Riverfront East Mega-Project About To Begin:

More than three years after being officially announced, demolition and remediation will begin later this summer on the long-delayed $100-plus million project that will change the face of Delaware’s largest city.

Riverfront East, which will redevelop the east side of Wilmington’s Riverfront to mirror the 30-plus years of development on its west side, will transform the now largely abandoned 86.3-acre site into blocks of new retail shops, residences, office space and greenways with a riverwalk along the Christina River.

The project was announced in May 2021 at a press conference in an abandoned South Market Street parking lot across from Christina Crossing.

It was teeming with city and state officials as the unveiled plan outlined that the first phase of the project covering about 12 blocks on the northern edge of Riverfront East would be completed by late 2023.

It’s now mid-2024 and a building has not yet been demolished, never mind any work on construction of new buildings, the riverwalk, roads or the “central green.”

You know, because of those ‘pesky environmental studies’ which predictably found ‘no significant impact’.

While my skepticism continues unabated, the area in question really is in need of change.  Abandoned warehouses, brownfields, and marshland.  My question is:  Will it benefit the residents who live in the area, or will they be driven out?

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. puck says:

    A good start:

    As part of continuing compliance efforts under the Inflation Reduction Act, the Internal Revenue Service today announced the agency has surpassed the $1 billion mark in collections from high-wealth taxpayers with past-due taxes.

    As part of larger efforts taking place, the IRS has stepped up activity specifically on 1,600 individuals whose incomes were more than $1 million per year and who each owed the IRS more than $250,000 in recognized tax debt. Since last fall, this IRS compliance effort has generated more than $1 billion in collections from this group, with work continuing in this area.

  2. Alby says:

    Why the rest of the world considers us insane, part MMDCLXVII: Vending machines in grocery stores selling bullets.


  3. puck says:

    My children are amazed to hear we used to sell cigarettes from vending machines.

  4. Alby says:

    If there’s a reason to believe that it’s accurate I’d love to know what it is.

    • Beach Karen says:

      BHL and Navarro? SMH.

    • Last time they endorsed in a contested primary for governor, they opted for Carney over Markell.

      That was Betsy’s dad who was in charge then.

    • Sussex Worker says:

      The state Democratic Party does not have a very good record in endorsing in highly-contested primaries:

      2008- Governor- John Carney endorsed; loses to Jack Markell
      Insurance Commissioner- Gene Reed, Jr. endorsed; loses to Karen Weldin Stewart.

      2012- Insurance Commissioner- Mitch Crane endorsed; loses to Karen Weldon Stewart.

      Then they stopped endorsing in highly-contested primaries. I guess Betsy Maron forgot what her father went through.

      • Hmm says:

        Betsy is the worse party chair in memory. I hope Matt’s first order of business is getting rid of her.

        71 percent of democrats want her to drop out. 90 percent of democrats don’t even know who Collin O’Mara is.

        Also his campaign manager quit so what exactly is he doing?

        • Alby says:

          Nepo baby sucks? I’m shocked.

          • paul says:

            I saw the suck from day one…Dems eat the best to settle for less than mediocre. BTW, in 2008 Dems were screwed whether they voted for Carney or Markell. Each was anti-democracy in his own way

          • Beach Karen says:

            I was searching for an example of a Nepo baby not sucking, but all I got is Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.

        • Word is he’s not dropping out.

          It is true, though, that the campaign is now w/o a campaign manager. Donnelly is supposedly still ‘with’ the campaign, whatever that means.

        • paul says:

          There is some shit going down in Suxco, both at the county level and at the rd level that Betsy should be cleaning up, but so far, crickets…if it continues, Dems will have no chance to shift Suxco blue.

          • Misti says:

            What’s going down in Sussex?

            • paul says:

              Neither the county chair nor the district 36 chair believe in or practice democratic leadership. Instead they practice trumpian authoritarian politics…little lying dictators…and it’s choking off good people…

      • liberalgeek says:

        For what it’s worth, they also endorsed Lydia York over Kathy McGuiness.

        But the prize for getting the endorsement and the punishment for not getting it is MUCH lower than it was pre-2017. It is just bragging rights now.

        And to imply that the IC primary race this year “highly-contested” is laughable.

        • The Party drew the line at having been convicted.

          Rampant campaign violations? Not so much.

        • Sussex Worker says:

          I never listed the “highly contested “ primaries. If I had, it would be just Governor and Lt Governor. Lisa, Sarah and Trini have no serious opposition

  5. paul says:

    Have Texas’ attitudes created a true death cult state?

  6. The MoMo says:

    DNREC has quietly signed an MOU with Northeast states for regional electric grid greening and stabilization. All the other states are treating this as a huge deal.

    • Joesgottago says:

      Given how toxic the talk is around wind farms in eastern sussex, can you blame them?

      • Alby says:

        What’s that got to do with it? Rich fucks are gonna whine about having to look at windmills as long as there are rich fucks and windmills.

  7. Jason says:

    I wonder how much anti-Biden sentiment is people just being fed up with old people who refuse to give up the car keys and/or get off the fucking stage?

    It informs my thinking, and I’ll bet it is a big part of it.

    • A lot. Especially now, as Biden’s trademark stubbornness takes center stage.

    • Alby says:

      Let’s see. The Republican message is “Joe Biden’s too old.” The Democratic message is “Joe Biden’s too old.”

      One would have thought the Clinton campaign would teach Democrats not to do the Republicans’ work for them, but…

      • Joesgottago says:

        Even the rethugs know that the sky is blue.

        The attempted second term of Joe Biden is an unforced error. Dems were so happy to get trump out of the White House that they spent the last four years resting on their laurels, instead of doing the real work of furthering a lasting agenda. Sure, they turned some dials with build back better/IRA, but the average working schlub hasn’t seen the dividends yet (and maybe never). It’s not a messaging problem, it’s a results problem.

        Now we are stuck with a doddering old man and we are going to have to own the fact that he has no business having a second term. I will say that the “told ya so” stings a lot less when it comes from the mouth of the losing party.

        • Alby says:

          The attempt to force him from the race is the unforced error. As I’ve said before, you knew you were going to run an old man in 2024 when you elected him in 2020.

          And you’re wrong about the “results problem.”


          • Joesgottago says:

            Are you watching this presser? Keeping him around is the worse option

            • puck says:

              Watched the whole presser. Seemed fine to me. Thoughtful extended answers to unscripted questions. Old but sharp, no sign of dementia.

              • Joesgottago says:

                lots of babble and fluff in those extended answers. Trying to run out the clock.

                I get it though. 60% Joe is putty in the hands of Bibi. Anything to keep the US feeding the zionist war machine.

              • He knows his stuff when it comes to foreign policy. Wasn’t that much fluff. Too bad he allowed himself to be played by Bibi. But he heads off in so many digressive detours.

            • puck says:

              “Anything to keep the US feeding the zionist war machine.”

              We knew you were a troll, but now the mask is completely off.

              • Alby says:

                A new one, too, which is always suspect when it’s a national issue. There aren’t that many political blogs left, so even one as obscure as ours gets attention from troll farms.

          • Joesgottago says:

            A not for nothing, but increase in raw job #s =/= true progress. Otherwise our GDP and GINI index would track.


            • Alby says:

              I don’t track this stuff, but from what I’ve read GDP has kept increasing even after the covid rebound was over. The link you provided says nothing germane to the discussion, unless you’re trying to say that dollar stores wouldn’t expand in a better economy.

              So let me get this straight: You’re a progressive but you’re espousing economic growth as a measuring stick? You’re not making enough sense for me to think you’re anything but a troll at this point.

          • No. It wasn’t until 2022 that he basically shut the door on other candidates. He previously had talked about being a ‘bridge candidate’ to a new generation..

            Turns out it’s a bridge to nowhere.

            • Alby says:

              Or it turns out there was nobody on the other side.

              • Not sure what you mean. But Biden and the DNC essentially closed off any realistic possibility for a challenger.

                BTW, that Jaime Harrison guy, who is to the DNC what Betsy Maron is to the Delaware Democratic Party, was screaming about how ’14 million’ voted for Biden in the primaries. Ignoring the fact that, for all intents and purposes, there WEREN’T any primaries. Oh, and that the primary schedule had been specifically designed to protect the incumbent.

                Of all the people who pontificated last night, he pissed me off the most b/c it illustrates the rot at the core of the national Democratic Party.

              • Alby says:

                “the DNC essentially closed off ay realistic possibility for a challenger.”

                These are Democrats. Nobody risked his or her neck to do it, and apparently nobody did the groundwork of getting Biden on board to prepare for any passing of the baton, either. Everyone but Joe dithered about this, and you have the result.

                Here’s my concern: Every time in my lifetime that there’s been a serious challenge to an incumbent Democratic president, the Democrats go on to lose the election. So we’ll see how this plays out.

              • puck says:

                ” for all intents and purposes, there WEREN’T any primaries.”

                Democrats held 60 primaries/caucuses. Everyone who qualified was on the ballots. You can’t win if you don’t play.

  8. All Seeing says:

    Looking at the poll numbers in battle battle ground states, a good ground game can overcome Trumps small lead. (hate that)
    There’s not enough insane folks to put Trump in.
    Women control 57% of the vote self determination will bring them out in droves.
    Independents are on Democrats side.
    Delaware needs an “INSPECTOR GENERAL”. NOW!