Song of the Day 7/12: Huey Lewis and the News, “Stuck With You”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 12, 2024

Joe Biden’s press conference last night satisfied neither side of the Democrats’ civil war. Biden stumbled but he didn’t fall, so neither side can claim vindication – though both already have. Meanwhile, it continues to look like the party is stuck with him – sort of the way the ’80s were stuck with Huey Lewis.

Nothing against Lewis, who seems like a nice guy, or his pleasant bar band. It’s just that his music was about as bland as a box of Kraft Mac and Cheese, if a bit cheesier, and about as ubiquitous – they had a dozen Top 10 singles between 1982 and 1988, most accompanied by videos when MTV was a hitmaker. “Stuck With You,” the lead single from the 1986 album “Fore!” was the second of the band’s three No. 1 hits.

You can tell this is a mid-’80s product because the video gives the song a minute-long movie-style prologue, and one obnoxious fan wants to take his picture with a stand-alone device called a camera.

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  1. DropOutJoeBeforeOurCountryTanks says:

    Well, you kind of *did* shoot me. You told me I couldn’t discuss this matter because it offends your feelings (“demoralizing”), characterized it as ‘pants-wetting,’ and then proceeded to talk about this issue yourself in future posts nearly every day.

    If that’s how you roll, fine. Wield your internet power, control the dialogue here, etc. I know that as long as you hold the banhammer you ‘win.’

    Considering that the Dems have raised 47 million since Biden announced his departure this afternoon, you may wish to reconsider censoring other people who want the same thing (Trump gone). Had everyone remained silent about the need to have a different nominee we would be on our way to certain death this November. Pledging fealty isn’t the answer — that puts us on the same path as those Republicans who file in line even though they know Trump is unfit for office.

    Anyway, I hope you’re getting the same relief from today’s events that I am. I will be celebrating tomorrow, too, when I put the check in the mail. It finally feels like we can escape fascism again!

  2. DropOutJoeBeforeOurCountryTanks says:

    Thank you, Delaware Liberal. Thank you for being the only place I can anonymously vent about the need for Biden’s replacement.

    Are there any great candidates who have a shot of getting nominated in his place? No. But they don’t need to be great, they need only be far from senility. When I try to broach this subject with most folks they flip their lid and act like I’m asking them to fellate Donald Trump.

    It’s true I don’t like Joe Biden. But I’ll vote for him (or anyone else) who isn’t Trump.

    Sure would be nice to know that when I vote against Trump it will be for a candidate who isn’t certain to lose to him, however.

    • Alby says:

      Biden’s not certain to lose to him. Your fears are not reality. Get a grip, and stop fellating Trump.

      • DropOutJoeBeforeOurCountryTanks says:

        That was unnecessarily rude. Anyone who can’t civilly discuss the best strategy for getting a winning POTUS candidate in there is just as cultish as MAGA.

        We still have time to change the nominee. I don’t purport to know who the best one would be but it’s a discussion we should be free to have if our goal is, say, to defeat Donald Trump rather than to blindly fellate Biden.

        Insult me all you want, but if Biden only barely eked out a victory last time and NY Times and people who love Biden are saying he can’t win in ’24 we are in trouble and need to revisit the drawing board.

        • Alby says:

          You’re the one who brought up fellating Trump. And anyone who thinks he’s helping anything by discussing this is at best deluded and more likely a troll.

          Newcomer coming here just to discuss this? Smells like bullshit to me.

        • Alby says:

          A suspicion furthered by the fact that citing civility is literally the No. 1 step of sealioning.

          • DropOutJoeBeforeOurCountryTanks says:

            I am not a newcomer and I couldn’t be further from being a Trumper, but thanks for the laugh. I switch my user name according to what I’m thinking at the time I post but it has never been in support of anything even vaguely conservative.

            I’m not trolling, I’m legitimately TERRIFIED of Trump winning and CNN is constantly running stories about Biden’s cognition. We had NYT, CNN, and plenty of other major media outlets helping Biden last time and they are doing the exact opposite now. That spells big trouble. I personally don’t give a fuck who the nominee is anymore as long as they can win.

            • John Kowalko says:

              I wouldn’t use the NYT’s to pick up my dog’s shit. CNN and NYT are salivating over the tens of millions of dollars theyll reap by artificially creating and maintaining false reality supported by bullsit/selected polls. Instead of making your bullshit claims of “loyalty” to democracy go buy some depends for those moments you choose to defecate in your pants

              • DropOutJoeBeforeOurCountryTanks says:

                I didn’t write a single thing about “loyalty” to democracy as you claim I did, but okay.

                You aren’t the only one who knows NYT and CNN skew their reporting (I personally saw how they lied and mischaracterized Bernie Sanders a million times over).

                My point is merely that if even our (albeit shitty) “liberal” corporate news allies are sounding the alarm bells we have real reason to worry. Joe barely got in last time and I don’t see how we can make it without them. A ton of older voters still watch/read their garbage and trust them and vote accordingly.

                The razor thin margin which saved us from Trump last time is eroding before our very eyes. Be as rude as you want to me, but shooting the messenger isn’t going to solve our problem.

              • Alby says:

                Sorry, but messengers like you are the problem. Not gonna shoot you, just point out that your fears, and those of others, aren’t anything worthy of discussion if you want to win. Even if you believe another candidate might – repeat, might – do better, it’s a shitshow if you can’t convince Biden. And doing it in public is not going to make him want to quit. It is going to make Democrats look like the feckless, disloyal ditherers their critics claim they are.

                You can’t influence the decision, and the pants-wetting is demoralizing. So knock it off. Discuss it somewhere else.

              • Alby says:

                Also, too, two posts in 2022 doesn’t make you an old-timer, and the rules are that you pick a name and stick with it because I don’t feel like checking IP addresses all the time. I have to do it in campaign season and it’s a pain in the ass, so stick to one name please.