DL Open Thread Saturday, July 13, 2024

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 13, 2024

The most interesting aspect of the current Democratic civil war is that the rank and file is decidedly not behind the move to oust Biden from the ticket. Surprisingly, those on the left, who are often critical of Biden, are among those who, like the Squad, are ridin’ with Biden. The media echo chamber, meanwhile, continues to attack their own party’s candidate, which strikes cooler heads as poor strategic thinking. Echo chambers are like singing in the shower – you think you sound a lot better than you really do.

In case you ever doubted that the MAGA movement is full of sick fucks, take a look at how the Heritage Foundation’s goober in charge of Project 2025 responded to a group of hackers claiming to be gay furries in a series of increasingly unhinged emails. The tell that these people have unhealthy sexual obsessions: Among Howell’s threats is that his online antagonist will be violently raped in prison.

Rudy Giuliani’s debasement continues, as a judge threw out his bankruptcy case because only Trump can get away with such shit.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Sean Lane criticized Giuliani for repeated “uncooperative conduct,” self-dealing, and a lack of transparency. The judge cited failures to comply with court orders, failure to disclose sources of income, and his apparent unwillingness to hire an accountant to go over his books. “Such a failure is a clear red flag,” Lane wrote.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Joesgottago says:

    Almost. Look at all the simps getting their panties in a twist about political violence. Real sick, when the future of democracy is on the line