Delaware’s Most Intriguing Primary Races Of 2024: Novelty Division

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 17, 2024

Yeahyeah, you’ll get yer Top Ten.  But I’d be remiss not to mention this race that has some serious comedic possibilities:

Colin Bonini vs. Susanne Whitney For Kent County Register Of Wills.  No, this isn’t a battle for the heart and soul of the Rethuglican Party (the Party has neither).  It’s just an election-year amuse-bouche from a serial candidate who rarely amuses with his bouche.  Colin needs a job and something to run for.   You may recall that this former Senator finished third in a three-way primary for his seat, which pretty much sums up his standing right now.  I haven’t looked it up, but in a three-way race to see who has run for more different offices, it’s possible he edges out Dennis E. Williams and Scott Walker.  He’s run for most of ’em, and has lost all of ’em, except for State Senate.  It’s kind-of ironic that his bloviating manner in the Senate has been replaced by the Mansplainer Eric Buckson, who I now find even more annoying than Bonini ever was.

Pretty sure Bonini anticipated a cake(mmm, cake)walk into an office that demands little from him (there’s staff for that), and pays him enough to keep him fed between Party fundraisers.  Enter Susanne Whitney.  She’s a certified paralegal, an office manager at an electrical supplies company, and a bartender at the Dover Downs Casino.  Going out on a limb here–she probably works more hours a week than Bonini did during an entire legislative session.  Looking at her Facebook page, she is ubiquitous and omnipresent.  Looking at Colin Bonini’s Facebook page–there isn’t a Colin Bonini Facebook page.   Well, there is.  Hasn’t been updated since 2022.

The winner of this primary faces D D.J. Cox in November.  That will be Susanne Whitney.  If you scroll through the pictures of Cox’ recent event, you will see a buffet that Bonini would have killed to annihilate.

Sorry, Colin, maybe in 2026…

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