Breaking: Biden Is Out

Filed in National by on July 21, 2024

Joe Biden announced he’s withdrawing from the presidential race.

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  1. You AND my wife beat me to it.

    It’s official, I’m a slacker.

  2. He endorses Harris.

    • JoesGone says:

      Of course he does, it’s his final F-You on the way out. No one wants her; if they did, she would have been nominated by acclamation. She is an empty vessel who just happened to have the right mix of chromosomes and melanin content to balance the 2020 ticket.

      Gretchen is the better choice. Notably, she was also the target of an assassin attempt by a bunch of maga goons. She will be able hit Trump where it hurts in a future debate.

      • Are you fucking serious?

        Get back to reality soon, or practice your punditry elsewhere.

        • Grant Brunner says:

          I’m not a lawyer, but I have seen journos talk about how Harris is the only other candidate who would have access to the existing campaign war chest.

          And besides, there’s no way an attempt to pass over the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES would go over any way but completely catastrophically. If the DNC did some shenanigans to push her out, I am convinced it would blow up the coalition.

      • Highlands hippie says:

        Seriously?!? “She is an empty vessel who just happened to have the right mix of chromosomes and melanin content to balance the 2020 ticket.”
        Is the moderator letting this ride? You are at best a misogynistic ass. This is a woman that besides many other accomplishments was elected California AG and U.S. Senator. Do better. Be better. Get bent.

        • You mean ‘the moderator’ who wrote:

          “Are you fucking serious?

          Get back to reality soon, or practice your punditry elsewhere.”

          Y’know, sometimes it’s better to let idiots out themselves.

      • Jason says:

        JoesGone, Fuck you troll. Harris all the way!

      • Alby says:

        You hafta be a union type. No other Democratic constituency is this racist.

  3. David says:

    Is there a Contribution site up yet for Kamala Harris for President? I did not want Biden to drop out, but I respect his decision and commend him for putting the Country above himself. I can’t wait to make a contribution to Harris. Time to unite and beat the convicted felon! If you see it first, please post a link to contribute to the Harris for President Campaign.

  4. It’s 4 pm and, yes, Chris Coons pops up on MSNBC.

    Couldn’t turn off the TV fast enough.

    He has what is known in pro rasslin’ parlance as ‘go-away heat’.

    • Bill DM says:

      Shocked you didn’t go for the deep cut with “X-Pac heat.”

      • For those not familiar with what ‘go-away heat’ means, you first have to know that a positive response to a babyface is called a ‘pop’ and a response to a villain is ‘heat’.

        But go-away heat is not the kind of heat a villain revels in, but heat as in ‘turn-the-channel’ heat, meaning people just don’t want to watch this person on their tubes. For me, Chris Coons defines ‘go-away heat’.

    • The MoMo says:

      I watched him as well, I don’t recall the channel. He cried — perhaps at his loss of potential Secretary position and power, but perhaps because something with Biden is worse than we thought. Not a state I would have expected him to go on TV in

  5. puck says:

    I hope Biden lives long enough to write a tell-all book.

  6. David says:

    Time to come together and help fund Kamala Harris’ prosecution of the convicted felon!

    • puck says:

      If Harris has been paying attention for the last 8 years, she won’t campaign as an attack dog. That’s what VPs candidates and surrogates are for. The best way for Harris to prosecute Trump is to win the election.

      • Dave says:

        I agree. And that takes money. We need to donate and help kick off the campaign with a funding bump.

        • puck says:

          Funding bump followed by a funding flood. And then another Women’s March – this time before the election.

  7. BTW, yes, she has access to all of the funds that have been raised.

    Because the funds were raised for the Biden-Harris team:

  8. paul says:

    In 1968 Hubert Humphrey became the nominee from the office of vice-president. The race in the D party became an intergenerational conflict, the young turks wanting to wrest control from the old hands, partly over the Viet Nam war and its military draft…

    • mediawatch says:

      I was inside the Chicago Amphitheater for much of the ’68 DNC. As rowdy as the delegates were, inside the amphitheater was probably the safest place in Chicago that you could be that week.

    • That 1968 race was all about the Vietnam War.

      The Party wasn’t going to heal in time for the election.

      I think this is a different circumstance entirely. You are likely to have a unified D Party this time.

  9. Joe Connor says:

    So, Morning Joe just reported 50 million raised since the withdrawal! Hope springs eternal. Also, as a guy who witnessed ’68 I see little comparison.

  10. bamboozer says:

    As a chronic insomniac of long standing I got a good nights sleep last night, Joe Biden made the hard choice and did what had to be done. 100 percent behind Kamala Harris. Bear in mind she was a prosecutor, name calling, lies and threats will not work, and that’s all the fat Fascists got or ever had.

    • Yep. That impending sense of inevitable doom was gone from my existence yesterday for the first time in at least a couple of months.

      Of course–it can return at any time.

  11. paul says:

    The only significant connection between 1968 and 2024 is that the incumbent is sacrificing his incumbency.

  12. paul says:

    The 64K question is now, who will be selected to fill out the ticket…Does Kamala have any experience choosing a running mate?

    • liberalgeek says:

      Only about 20 people alive have any experience picking a running mate. And more than half of them didn’t work out. 🙂

      It is considered the first “Presidential decision” a candidate makes for a reason.

      • Heard both Cooper and Beshear this morning. I’d say hard no on Cooper, thumbs in the middle on Beshear.

        Can someone tell why NOT Gretchen Whitmer on the ticket as Veep? She can help lock up Michigan and Wisconsin, and I think would help in Pa.

        Pretty sure that’s the election right there.

        • puck says:

          I think Whitmer is smart enough to keep her powder dry for 2028 or 2032, and not tie herself to the still-uncertain prospects of Harris. Democrats are savage to their losing candidates.

  13. Mick Lowe says:

    Now that Harris is the apparent Democratic nominee watch Trump attempt to back out of the second debate. Let’s see who is selected as her running mate. Surely any of the leading candidates will expose JDV as just another empty suit during their debate, typical for the GOP pols.

  14. Really thought this piece by Tim Alberta was right on time. The theme–Rethugs were scared shitless of Biden doing just what he did dating all the way back to at least the first of the year:

    An excerpt:

    “On the evening of Super Tuesday, March 5, shortly before Donald Trump effectively ended the Republican primary and earned a general-election rematch with President Joe Biden, I asked the co-managers of Trump’s presidential campaign what they feared most about Biden.

    “Honestly, it’s less him,” Chris LaCivita told me. “And more—”

    “Institutional Democrats,” Susie Wiles said, finishing her partner’s thought.

    It was a revealing exchange, and a theme we would revisit frequently. The Democratic Party, Wiles and LaCivita would tell me in conversations over the coming months, was a machine—well organized and well financed, with a record of support from the low-propensity voters who turn out every four years in presidential contests. Ordinarily, they explained, Democrats would have structural superiority in a race like this one. But something was holding the party back: Biden.”

    “Trump’s campaign insists that nothing has changed. Wiles and LaCivita are telling their team that given the obstacles Trump has already overcome—prosecutions, a conviction, an assassination attempt that nearly killed him—a new nominee for the Democrats is just another log on the 2024 inferno.

    But they know it’s more than that. They know that from the moment they partnered with Trump, everything they intended for this campaign—the messaging, the advertising, the microtargeting, the ground game, the mail pieces, the digital engagement, the social-media maneuvers—was designed to defeat Joe Biden. Even the selection of Ohio’s Senator J. D. Vance as Trump’s running mate, campaign officials acknowledged, was something of a luxury meant to run up margins with the base in a blowout rather than persuade swing voters in a nail-biter.”