DL Open Thread Monday, July 22, 2024

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on July 22, 2024

It was a sad day for Delaware as its beloved hometown hero was forced to the sidelines. Aubrey Plaza was spotted on crutches at the WNBA All-Star game, where she tore the anterior cruciate ligament in her right knee playing knockout.

In general, Democrats reacted to Joe Biden’s decision to end his re-election campaign with relief, and most quickly line up behind VP Kamala Harris. Some, however, were more distressed. Chris Coons actually teared up on camera, which prompted the right-wing propaganda media to crow about a “liberal meltdown” rather than the actual response.

Republicans, who relished the chance to run against someone even older and more feeble than their guy, reacted as you’d expect, threatening lawsuits to force Biden to stay on the ticket and shifting effortlessly from slagging Biden to slagging Harris. In fairness, talking shit is the only thing they’re actually any good at.

One big benefit of Biden’s move: Because it’s unprecedented, pundits have to admit they don’t know what happens next. They do, however, get to speculate on who she’ll choose as vice president. One report says Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear are already being vetted for the post.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Since Trump’s persona has been that of a pro rasslin’ villain, I wonder if he’ll steal a page from Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan’s playbook, and wear that bandage for the duration of the campaign. Perhaps even increase the size of it.

    Fans of wrestling will recall Heenan’s great gimmick of wearing a neck brace for, well, years:


  2. Alby says:

    I thought I was aware of all internet traditions, but it seems that Phillies slugger Nick Castellanos has developed a reputation for hitting home runs on days with big news events. Sure enough, he homered yesterday after Biden’s announcement.

  3. Alby says:

    My favorite part of the news coverage: Headlines that call it a “shocking decision” in the same newspapers that spent three weeks calling for him to do exactly what he did.

  4. Trump, always looking to collect money for–nothing:

    “So we are forced to spend time and money on fighting Crooked Joe Biden, he polls badly after having a terrible debate, and quits the race. Now we have to start all over again,” Trump said. He further questioned, “Shouldn’t the Republican Party be reimbursed for fraud in that everybody around Joe, including his doctors and the fake news media, knew he was not capable of running for, or being, President? Just askin’?”

    Uh, no. Just answerin’.

  5. Andrew C says:

    Do any of the old heads here need an explainer on the 🥥🌴 memes for this campaign season?

  6. Mick Lowe says:

    Let’s hope Harris selects Shapiro as her running mate. He is likely to bring PA into the Electoral College for the win.

    • Grant Brunner says:

      Shapiro could very well negatively impact support in Michigan and inflame Democratic infighting about the Israel-Gaza conflict because of how he’s handled it locally in some pretty controversial ways. And he’s probably best off staying for another go-around as a popular governor in a purple state.


      I’d argue that of the four names bandied about the most, Roy Cooper is the best option. He’s term limited, he’s relatively popular in NC and that state was legitimately in play in 2020.

      • puck says:

        “Shapiro could very well negatively impact support in Michigan and inflame Democratic infighting about the Israel-Gaza conflict ”

        I agree, although I wouldn’t have put it so euphemistically.

        Otherwise, we can probably put Michigan in the “win” column now, as those feckless “uncommitted” voters will now be energized in the hopes Harris will fulfill their, let me choose the word carefully, anti-Israel dreams.

  7. bamboozer says:

    I slept well last night, it was from relief. It’s hard to defend an 81 year old as president, a good man or not. Now the focus turns to the morbidly obese habitual liar Trump, suspect Trump will now try to avoid a debate at all costs, and with good reason. Now is the time to give them and the corporations that support them hell, holy or otherwise.

    • puck says:

      “give them and the corporations that support them hell, holy or otherwise.”

      An apt choice of words.

      Like FDR before him, Biden fought fascism until he couldn’t anymore. Now someone else has to finish the job.

      Give ’em hell, Kamala.

  8. My Mantra Of The Day. For those of you who live in RD 15:




  9. Joe Connor says:

    So now we will Have Kam Jams?😎

  10. Was just watching Kamala, not Kamela, in Wilmington. LBR was there, Chris Coons was there, Kathy Jennings was there, and…Jeff ‘Fucking’ Bulluck? Was he Carney’s stand-in?