Song of the Day 7/22: NSYNC, “Bye Bye Bye”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 22, 2024

Considering how many good things he did and tried to do, Joe Biden has been widely unappreciated during his four years in the White House. He has governed well to the left of expectations, which probably pissed off the centrists who backed him in the first place, but his policies were more liberal than his rhetoric, which left progressives unimpressed. Yet no matter how loud the drumbeats for replacing him got, those who wanted him gone could find only his age and frailty to confront him with. His announcement yesterday was greeted with the equivalent of “Don’t let the screen door hit you on the way out.”

This wasn’t NSYNC’s highest-charting single – it only reached No. 4 in 2000 – but it’s considered the group’s signature song.

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  1. nathan arizona says:

    I did hear a lot of people praising Biden for bowing out to keep Trump from the presidency. Wish I could be more confident it’ll work.

    • Alby says:

      Given how much the move to oust him damaged him, this was almost certainly the best course at this point.

      Rarely do we see such a naked example of the power of money in politics.

  2. Anon says:

    Joe will go down in history as one of our best presidents. His legacy couldn’t be better. Like Washington, he knew when he had to step down. I think he could have continued his excellent record, but he lost the confidence of the voting public and had he not dropped out, he would have been damaged forever in history like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who stayed too long and destroyed much of what she had accomplished by doing so.

  3. Alby says:

    Go fuck yourself. You don’t know what’s going to happen and neither does anyone else. Empty your veins somewhere else.

  4. highlands hippie says:

    Johannes and people like him that use DEI as a slur are showing themselves to be racist, bigoted, and narrow-minded ass hats. You have attempted to put down someone without any substantive justification other than the color of her skin and/or her sex.

  5. bamboozer says:

    Believe Biden leaving the race as he did will be hailed as a moment of greatness, and a damn fine way to kick Trump and the Republican as a whole in the crotch.