DL Open Thread Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 23, 2024

America’s political scribblers have been having a conniption for the past 24 hours because Democratic voters and donors rallied to Kamala Harris as soon as Biden announced his withdrawal from the race. The punditocracy, you see, wanted the candidate chosen at the party convention, the way their grandpappies did it, and they’re doing their damndest to find the handful of people who want the chaos to continue. Raw Story, for example, dug up an interview on Fox News where a “Democratic donor” says he wants his million dollars back because he wanted an open convention. Yeah, right. All the Democrats I know run to Fox News when they want to take their racism and sexism for a run around the block. We’ve got some of these same “people” – they’re bots for all I know – suddenly showing up here, at a blog they’ve never visited before, to claim they’re Democrats but they want someone other than Harris. The term for people who disrespect Black women, BTW, is misogynoir. Expect to hear a lot of it in the weeks to come.

The Associated Press put the lie to the bullshit by the simple expedient of doing some fucking reporting. They polled delegates to the Democratic convention, and Harris already has enough to secure the nomination. If Democratic voters are upset they sure picked a funny way of showing it: They donated a record amount of money in the 24 hours after Biden’s announcement. Any effort to derail her candidacy is an effort to elect Trump.

The bluster out of Republikkkans is poor cover for their fear and panic. Trump already is trying to weasel out of debating Harris because now there’s only one senile old man in the race, and it isn’t her. Wanna take bets on how quickly the media acts like babbling incoherence is no longer an issue?

The floor’s yours.

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  1. puck says:

    More MSM conniptions, trying to pull any thread to create drama. This from WaPo:

    “President Biden’s withdrawal from his reelection campaign Sunday ended weeks of speculation about his political future. But continued questions about his health have given rise to a new question: Should he resign from the White House, too?”

  2. The MoMo says:

    Did we discuss that BHL’s commission shelled out more opioid funds last week, despite the AG’s strong request to halt? Waiting for those minutes to be published. Something tells me it’ll be October.

  3. Elon Musk Says Daughter ‘Killed By Woke Mind Virus’:


    She’s actually alive and well, and not speaking to him.

    This guy…

  4. Alby says:

    Gold Bar Bob Menendez will resign from the Senate, effective Aug. 20.


  5. Before someone else mentions it (somebody somewhere probably already has), Kamala Harris has a superpower that few politicians have–having fun and letting people know she’s having fun.

    Best possible way to turn a slog into a campaign that people are drawn to.

    She also has real good timing on the stump. Knows when to pause before delivering a punchline. If not the equal of Obama, pretty darned close to him.

  6. Eric Blair says:

    Open thread idea. Since the floor’s ours.

    On CBS “This Morning” (your granny’s weekend T.V. news magazine) an American doctor back from Gaza discusses toddlers who have been double tapped by IDF snipers. Heart and temple. High velocity rounds probably shipped from Dover A.F.B. (most of the weapons are).

    I think that’s depraved, but that’s just my personal opinion in the open thread.