BREAKING: Former Democratic State Chair Calls On Party To Rescind Endorsement

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 26, 2024

Not just any former chair.  The best Party Chair we ever had:

“In light of the recent independent investigative report that found Lt. Governor Hall-Long broke the law and repeatedly lied to voters, I am calling on the Delaware Democratic Party to immediately rescind their endorsement of her gubernatorial campaign.

Our party has an obligation to our members and to the citizens of Delaware to ensure that our candidates reflect values of integrity and transparency. As a party, we should not support candidates who break the rules and the law. Lt. Gov. Hall-Long’s actions have undermined these principles and have cast a shadow over our party’s commitment to those values.

I urge the party leadership to take swift and decisive action. Rescinding the endorsement is not just a necessary step to maintain our credibility, but also to reassure the public that we hold our leaders to the highest ethical standards.

The people of Delaware deserve a governor they can trust, who adheres to the law, and who exemplifies the ethical standards we expect from our elected officials. It is imperative that we demonstrate our commitment to these ideals by withdrawing our support for Lt. Gov. Hall-Long’s candidacy.” – Erik Raser-Schramm, former State Chairman of Delaware Democratic Party 

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  1. You all know of the deep respect I have for Erik.

    He’s right.

    DSEA should also follow suit.

  2. Kids, no attacking people who no longer are involved with the State Party by name.

    I should have stopped it earlier. It stops now.

  3. Joe Connor says:

    So will the “powers that be” have the guts to do what’s right? Methinks not a chance!

  4. De says:

    Betsy Maron has been one of the most inefficient and ineffective democratic chairs in recent memory

    • paul says:

      Shit is happening within the party and Betsy Maron is silent. Ugh!

      • Carrie says:

        Serious question to the old hands on here, who/what makes up “the party” on 2024 Delaware? When it is said that “the party” endorsed, what exactly does that mean?

  5. The News Journal finally wakes up a reporter to cover the story:

    Posted at 4 pm today. BTW, add the former FBI agent Lampinski to the list of those BHL claims is ‘biased’ against her. Personal to Bethany: Law enforcement officials who discover wrongdoing tend to be ‘biased’ against criminals.

    The article is well worth reading as it details Dana Long’s misdeeds in excruciating detail.

  6. paul says:

    Was Eric forced out by the current leadership of the State Democratic Party?

  7. Alby says:

    Interesting that none of her donors have expressed the least concern about what was done with their money.

    • PeopleAreSaying says:

      Maybe because they have been keeping O’mara in the wings this whole time as a spoiler against Meyer/insurance policy if Bethany’s shit hit the fan.

      Where there is a will, there is a Delaware Way.

      • Uh, no.

        However, as a WFP member, I think it’s time that we focus on the legislative races since I don’t think that Collin has a path to victory.

        We can deliver a progressive House, but we have to concentrate on those races rather than this increasingly quixotic run for Governor.

        • PeopleAreSaying says:

          I don’t think so. A lot of people around here were raising red flags months ago on the WFP’s rush to endorse O’mara based on his silver-tounged sales pitch. Now we’re trying to salvage the legislative races? We both know how much power the governors office has when it comes to getting the $$ to make progressive legislation happen.

          The Del Dem establishment needs to rescind their endorsement of BHL. And I’m calling on WFP to declare O’mara non viable and rescind their endorsement for his failure to mount a campaign. WFP needs to beat the dem establishment to Meyer, if they want executive influence. If we continue to back O’mara to the bitter end, that bridge is permanently burned.

          • No, the bridge is not permanently burned. Especially not with a more progressive General Assembly with lots of people who were supported by WFP.

            Gonna have to write a post about this on Monday.

  8. The MoMo says:

    Erik’s work for the party, and work on himself, are both extremely commendable. To come out of a political retirement on this issue seems a big deal. That said, I think he worked for Meyer?

    • Yes. He was also the Chief Of Staff for the House D’s for at least a decade. So he briefly worked for BHL during her brief stint as a state rep. He most recently worked for Lydia York.

      He is not, repeat, NOT, coming out of political retirement. This was just something he felt compelled to do because he has a conscience and a high ethical standard.

  9. Paul T. says:

    I really like Erik and hope he calls me friend, but he worked for Matt as one of his last jobs in politics. He is also maxed out financially on his campaign.

    • Alby says:

      And yet he’s right, and you want a crook to be governor. So there’s that.

    • Erik Raser-Schramm says:

      Hey Paul, just curious where you get your campaign finance reporting because I haven’t even come close to maxing out at $1,200. Let’s keep things factual, that’s a pretty easy ask and what folks deserve not only this election cycle, but every one.

      • MonteCristo says:

        These people are famously not good at reading campaign finance reports. I’m not sure why anyone would listen to them.

        Btw – “Create receipts!!!”

        Sorry lady. We already got them. And they show you’re fucking cooked.

  10. Jason says:

    This should be a game changer, but I suspect BHL will feel like she has not choice other than to brazen this out through September. And the chickenshits in the party won’t want to be on the wrong side of the potential future Governor.

  11. Joe Connor says:

    Let’s take breath, thank Erik, and see if there has been a fundamental shift in the race. It’s possible that the damn could break and we have 2 remaining candidates who disagree on policy. Sadly the Trumpization of our politics works against that and suggests BHL will double down again✅

    • BLT says:

      At a fundraiser of hers last night, according to a friend who went, she apparently said that she is so far ahead in the polls and that is the reason all of these articles are appearing because there are people who want to smear her and make sure she doesn’t become governor.

      • Grant Brunner says:

        I got this email from her campaign today (I DEFINITELY didn’t sign up for it):

        “I’m sure you have seen some things in the press over the last couple days about my past campaign finance reports. I want to take this opportunity to set the record straight, and I wanted you to hear it from me.

        In the Fall of 2023, I voluntarily disclosed discrepancies with previous campaign finance reports. I have been fully cooperating with the Department of Elections on the confidential process to amend previous campaign finance reports.

        Since that disclosure in the Fall, as I have always done, I will address any bookkeeping discrepancies head on. As the letter from the Elections Commissioner states, none of this will be referred to the Attorney General, and the Attorney General agreed.

        Contrary to the preliminary report completed by a consultant for the Department of Elections, our family has loaned my previous campaigns before running for Governor more money than we have been reimbursed and we have forgiven that remaining loan balance. My family has never benefited from my time in public office.

        These were unintentional bookkeeping mistakes from previous campaigns. We will make any additional recommended amendments to the old campaign finance reports.

        One thing we know about politics – the leading candidate is always a target. I cannot allow these diversions to distract me from serving our state. It’s my job to improve the quality of life for all Delawareans making our state the best place to live, work, and raise a family.

        Voters want a Governor who will champion their problems like funding strong public education, protecting reproductive freedom, increasing access to affordable healthcare, and fighting to improve the quality of life for working families. My record proves that when I am elected Governor, I will continue to work tirelessly every single day to do just that.

        I’m proud of the growing support that I have received along with the full endorsements of Governor John Carney, members of the State House & State Senate, the Delaware AFL-CIO, the Delaware State Education Association, EMILY’s List, and most recently the Democratic State Party of Delaware.

        Together, we’re going to win this race. “

        • Joe Connor says:

          My double down prediction didn’t take long. There is a point where support and polling can collapse. I intend to do everything I can to make it happen!

  12. Jason says:

    Wilson Anton via Twitter. – This is not the behavior of someone who is fit to run for office, let alone fit to lead our state as governor.

    Bethany Hall-Long should resign the office, effective immediately, and withdraw from the race if she has any respect at all for the people of Delaware.

  13. Mrs. Turner says:

    If we’re going to lay out the facts … let’sput them ALL out there.

    1. Kathy Jennings worked for Matt Meyer as his chief admin officer. Connect the dots.
    2. Erik worked for Matt Meyer too. More dots.
    3. Until the last prescription opioid meeting, Jennings voted “yes” on all of the grant awards. If she was so concerned – why did she vote “yes”????
    4. At the June 2024 meeting Jennings voted to release the $15 Million.
    5. Jennings recommended the FBI auditor – sounds like a friend of hers. More dots.
    6. WHERE is the Social Contract report? I bet that comes out RIGHT before primary day. And why Social Contract????? Maybe Jennings is friends with Drew Fenell? Look at the state checkbook.

    • Alby says:

      You don’t seem to get it: People can be for Matt Meyer just because they don’t want to elect a crook. Your hatred for him really cuts no ice here.

      I don’t like him because he’s basically a Castle Republican, but I prefer that to a Delaware Way thief.

    • Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

      I don’t put a great deal of weight behind the Opioid $$ issue as it relates to BHL.
      The campaign finance issues are another matter. The best interpretation for BHL is that her campaign funds were an absolute mess, with personal and campaign money being used interchangeably and no one keeping a reliable score and then she tried to paper it over.
      Whoever’s idea it was to use the former FBI auditor, they were absolutely the right people to be doing that work. If BHL had been interested in transparency and getting in front of this thing, she would have chosen them or someone like them when the issues first surfaced and the whole thing might be behind her now.
      It isn’t some pro-Meyer conspiracy that put her in this position, it’s her own fault.

      • Gipper says:

        Good point. Agreed, The opioid stuff is secondary.

        Bottom line – $33,000 of campaign donations was spent for personal use (possibly, if not likely more, given the checks written to someone else’s name but which went to Mr Long for his use) that is clear as day and incontrovertible.

        That smells like fraud to me. At the very least, the BHL family will have to write their campaign account a $33,000 check well before the election to put that donation money back.

        Equally important, How can someone that doesn’t have the competence and integrity to manage a $300,000 account, manage a $6 billion state budget?

        As a tax payer, they don’t. It would be a total disaster to have BHL dealing with state budgets as governor.

        • Speaking of ‘went to Mr. Long for his use’, that’s illegal.

          From the Election Code:

          “15 Del. C. § 8020:

          No political committee may make any expenditure except for the following purposes:

          Wages of full-time or part-time campaign staff (but no salary or wage for a candidate or a candidate’s spouse).”

          “15 Del. C. § 8043:

          (b) Any person who knowingly accepts or knowingly makes an unlawful contribution or expenditure in violation of any provision of subchapter II or III of this chapter shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor.”

  14. Nunua says:

    Where was this statement published? An email? I don’t see it on his Facebook.

    It’s excellent!

  15. MonteCristo says:

    Im pretty amazed she published a picture of her and Kamala.

    Wait until the Trump people grab that. Kamala consulting with a known liar and crook? Bad for business.

    THEN it’s going to get fun.

    If any of the national dems are reading this – I’d call Betsy and make her do some work.

  16. Botox Makes You Evil Apparently says:

    I’m sorry, but will all due respect, no one who was Pete and Val’s willing hatchet man can credibly criticize anyone else’s ethics.

  17. Joe Connor says:

    2500 signature and lots of angry conversations! Drip, drip, drip😎

  18. Beach Karen says:

    With three “good” candidates for Governor, the party should have never endorsed.