BREAKING: Matt Meyer Calls For Federal Investigation Into BHL’s Campaign Finances

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 29, 2024

He made the call today at a downtown press conference.  I attended.  To be honest, there was a relative paucity of detail.  Meyer didn’t specify what alleged criminal activity he wanted the Feds to investigate.  No, the campaign had not yet sent a letter to the Feds.

However, campaign manager Nick Merlino said that the campaign is asking the State Party to withdraw its endorsement of Bethany.

Other than press and campaign flaks, there were no politicos there, and no elected public officials.  At least that I recognized.

This is as good a time as any, though, to share the Meyer campaign’s response to Bethany Hall-Long’s TV interview.  It cites the “10 Top Falsehoods (their words, not mine) From That Interview”.

I’m cutting and pasting, and certainly have not had time to determine the veracity of the content:

  1. “There has been no wrongdoing.” 

Actually, there was plenty of wrongdoing. An state-sponsored, independent investigation documented numerous instances in which the campaign broke the law. The report, conducted by a former Philadelphia FBI chief, concluded: “I find [Hall-Long’s campaign’s] account of expenditures in its public campaign finance reporting incomplete, inconsistent, and often inaccurate, leading to an unreliable picture of its financial affairs.”

  1. “We discovered that we needed to clarify how much my husband and I had put on our credit cards. […] we paid for legitimate campaign expenses on our credit card. […] And that’s what we needed to clarify, and that’s what’s been publicly listed.”

The report proves that there were more than just credit card transactions, some of which were clearly personal. There were checks – co-signed by Bethany – made out to her husband. Even once Bethany “corrected” her reports last November, she still underreported payments to her and Dana by about $90,000.

  1. “We did that on our own. So voluntarily, we put that out because that’s who I am. […] and there’s nothing more transparent than that.”

The State of Delaware had to subpoena Bethany’s campaign multiple times to get documents that she refused to provide to the investigator. Bethany also didn’t amend her reports voluntarily. She did it because her campaign team found more than $200,000 in unreported payments to Dana in her campaign finance reports. And then nearly her entire team quit and people were asking questions.

  1. “There was some misreporting, mischaracterizations. But that’s it.”

There was $300,000 worth of falsely reported payments. Falsified campaign reports. And $90,000 is still unaccounted for.

  1. [Interviewer:] “Did you personally benefit from the campaign on any of your personal finances?”

[Bethany:] “Absolutely not.”

The independent investigator found that Bethany and her husband used campaign cash to pay down their credit card debt and get rewards points. They also paid themselves more than $90,000 beyond what reimbursement expenses would require. So it certainly seems like they did benefit.

6.“My husband […] did a fine job taking care of the campaign finance reports.”  (My comment:  W-w-w-what??)

Bethany’s husband Dana admitted in an interview that he failed to read the laws on campaign finance and in fact had never known them. He failed to maintain expense records and had no written records of which credit card charges were campaign expenses and which were personal. He misreported the names on campaign expenditures, when in fact the expenditures were made to himself, and he admitted that he had no idea how much the campaign paid him and his wife, and how much they paid the campaign. And ultimately, when you are the candidate, you are responsible.

  1. “I have been open and transparent.”

Bethany and her husband have engaged in a year-long attempt to lie, evade, gaslight, and excuse a decade of false campaign reporting. Bethany has never released the alleged “audit” and the state investigation proves it never happened. In fact, in the course of the investigation, the State of Delaware had to issue numerous subpoenas to obtain financial records from the campaign, since they would not just hand it over voluntarily.

And once the independent report was final, Bethany asked the Elections Commissioner to keep it out of the public record.

  1. “[Interviewer:] Summit CPA […] found no violations or wrongdoings, but you did not release that audit. People want to know, why did you not release that audit. 

[Bethany:] Again, there’s a lot of misnomers in the press. Wrong titles. We had an internal review of our expenses.”

Bethany herself, as well as her campaign, have called it an audit many times:

Sept 28: “I am working with independent campaign finance experts and forensic accountants to thoroughly audit the finances.”

  • Sept 28: The campaign told The News Journal that Bethany “is committed to leading with transparency and integrity, which is why she requested an audit of her campaign finance reports.”

  • Oct 2: The campaign told The News Journal that “in the run up to the launch of the campaign, Bethany requested a review and now there is an independent audit of the reports in the works.”

  • Oct 10: A campaign spokeswoman told The News Journal that an “independent audit is currently underway and we look forward to having more information soon.”

  • Oct 23: Bethany released a statement saying: “Summit CPA, a Delaware-based certified public accounting firm, was brought on board to audit records and receipts and reconcile all expenses and disbursements from the account. As part of the audit, Summit reviewed hundreds of receipts of campaign-related expenses and loans Bethany and her husband made dating back to her first campaign for statewide office in 2016.”

  1. “Everything has been out, in the public records. It’s there. The reports have been amended.”

Everything is most certainly not out. The report thoroughly details how an enormous amount of transactions were not included in the campaign finance reports Bethany filed last November, Bethany apparently wasn’t even interviewed during the investigation, and the investigator – a former head of the Philadelphia FBI – could not account for many of the transactions.

  1. “We are ready to lead this state.”

Wrong. If you can’t manage a few thousand dollars, you can’t manage 6 billion dollars.”

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  1. Rufus Y Kneedog says:

    “Bethany herself, as well as her campaign, have called it an audit many times”
    I think this is the crux of the issue. BHL has mischaracterized it. The reason the Summit report hasn’t been released is it most likely says directly in the report itself that it is not an audit.

  2. Joe Connor says:

    The end is near my call 7/29/24

  3. Facts says:

    Yeah, for her to pretend that someone else called it an audit is ridiculous. She herself and her campaign called it an audit. Either they didn’t know what that word meant, or they did and they got in there and realized they did NOT want an audit. But the engagement letter with Summit pretty clearly spells out that they were not hired to check accuracy.

    In their letter of engagement, Summit CPA says “we will not audit […] the data you submit to us” and “our engagement does not include any procedures designed to detect errors, fraud, theft, or other wrongdoing.”

    I know everyone dislikes Meyer’s personality but you guys are going to just need to suck it up. This lady isn’t going to win.

  4. Stewball says:

    Allow me to retort… this press conference was bogus and shows the Meyer campaign’s weakness. I’ll give him credit for a nice, easy opportunity for good press by calling for the feds to investigate, but he couldn’t even cite a specific federal statute that might have been violated. And it’s not as if the feds weren’t aware of BHL’s issues for some time now. They’re going to do – or not do – what they’re going to do or not do regardless of what Meyer asks. So Meyer’s letter – if he ever sends it – is useless. There were no other supporters present for the press conference. No supporters who spoke at the press conference. Just him. Thats bad campaign work and shows a lack of deep support. I say that as someone with enough campaign experience to know.

    • Alby says:

      A lack of deep support by whom? The elected people have all lined up behind BHL’s money spigot. Reason enough to dump her.

      Meyer is no prize, I’m supremely unimpressed, but he’s better than Ramone, which is who I’ll vote for if BHL wins the primary.


    • Facts says:

      The press conference generated another AP story picked up in the Washington post, amongst other places. The stories say Bethany hall long is a thief. As someone with a lot of campaign experience, can you tell me if that’s good or bad?

    • It was a press conference, not a rally.

      I have requested from the campaign the letter that they send to the Feds.
      I will share it if/when I get it.

      The campaign has been in touch with Barbara McQuade, a former federal prosecutor who you may have seen during the Trump trial coverage. So they should have a pretty good idea how to craft a request to the Feds.

  5. Jason says:

    Gold Medal in “bothsiderism” goes to WDEL. Meyer calls for investigation/Hall-Long accuses Meyer of running against her.

  6. MonteCristo says:

    Props to Laura Sturgeon and her statements to Delaware Public Media. She says the very obvious things that most normal people looking at this situation think.

    Bethany has lost the trust of the public. She needs to drop out.

    We just spent a month being lied to by John carney and Betsy maron about how Joe Biden was just fine. He wasn’t. Again, we are being asked by our “party leaders” to ignore what we can clearly see – that Bethany Hall Long is corrupt and arrogant and hellbent on enriching herself and her supporters through the use of public monies. We are being gaslit.

    Shame on any of those who continue to prop up this obviously unqualified and disqualified candidate. History will judge you very very poorly.