Delaware Liberal

It Takes A Village…


You, my friends, comprise that village.  Let’s all do this together.

First, the raw materials.  Here are all of the 2023 grants:

If anyone has the 2024 list, please share.

Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to identify grants that never should have been, um, granted;  ties between BHL and the grant recipients; and anything else that looks problematical to you.

We already have the Code Purple scandal

We now know that the TV station that nobody has heard of received funds, oh, and then had BHL on for a softball interview.  The stated purpose of the funds going to DETV?:

The funding will be used to implement a media strategy to promote access to information on opioid use, particularly synthetic opioids like fentanyl. The campaign will use broadcast and digital messaging to educate citizens on the facts about opioid use disorder. Evidence-based communication activities include advertisements, public service announcements, social media posts, podcasts, webinars, and expert panel discussions.

Oh, and a station that nobody watches is gonna do this?  Which reminds me, and is a suggestion to all you sleuths out there:  Many of these grants are for information campaigns on opioid use.  I’m pretty damn sure that everybody knows that opioids are dangerous.  Exactly what gaps are we filling, other than the gaps in certain grifters’ bank accounts?  Please discuss.

I’ll add one more, then leave the rest to you. Something called the Congo Tarir Project.  We all know by now who the Congo(s) is/are.  They’ve been granted, wait for it, $475,000.  Being a fair man, I decided to search the intertubes to learn more about this ‘project’.  Guess what?  The only links are the ones directly to BHL’s slush fund.  Meaning, the Congos are being gifted this money for a brand new project for which they appear to be singularly unqualified.  Check out what they say they’ll do for the money:

Funding will be used to support the establishment of a resource hub in an opportunity zone in Wilmington. The resource hub will be focused on youth and their families by providing opioid misuse education and prevention information. The hub will also offer anti-opioid and other drug interventions in an environment that provides alternative activities known to prevent and decrease
opioid use disorder in high-risk communities.

Oh.  No beds.  No treatment.  If State Auditor Lydia York does not investigate this grant, she’s not doing her job.  I, however, suspect she will look at this one.

OK, kids, I’ve started this off.  The rest is up to you.

Have at it.

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