Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024

Reaction to Kamala Harris’ selection of Tim Walz as her running mate has been widely praised. Most pundits have cited his mien, best summed up by Harold Meyerson of the American Prospect as “Hubert Humphrey without Vietnam.” Walz’s happy warrior style reminded me of Humphrey, too, but I’d say “with a sharper tongue.” Ol’ Hubert wouldn’t have said he’d love to debate JD Vance “if he’s willing to get off the couch.”

I’ve been getting pro-Meyer mailers from an outfit called Change Can’t Wait, which I assumed was a PAC supporting him despite the generic name and obvious attempt to hide its partisanship. Karl Baker at Spotlight Delaware tracked down who’s behind it, while Meyer played coy about his connection to an outfit that’s skirting state campaign finance laws. Just a little reminder that while Bethany Hall Long is a talentless Delaware Way hack, Matt Meyer is no bargain himself.

AIPAC, the Israeli lobbying group, claimed its second scalp of the election season when Missouri Congresswoman and Squad member lost her primary 51-46 to the local prosecutor Wesley Bell, whom AIPAC gave $8 million. His campaign never mentioned Israel, because genocide does not enjoy majority support. Instead he ran a tough-on-crime campaign. Leaving policy issues aside, it’s a net loss for Congress to gain yet another former prosecutor while losing one of its very few working people. Bush was a nurse before her election.

Bernie Sanders is urging the Harris campaign to run on economic policies aimed at boosting the working class, and to help convince them he commissioned a poll to ask swing-state voters their opinion of various proposals. What I found most interesting, though, is the lack of support for certain ideas. Only 51% agreed with raising the minimum wage to $17 an hour, and only 50% were on board with free college tuition. I used to think hate was the most corrosive emotion, but I’m starting to give resentment another look.

Wowser, this should be a jerk-off contest for the ages: Donald Trump is going to interview Elon Musk, or maybe it’s the other way around. The winner should be crowned King of the Narcissists and awarded the trophy, a limp biscuit.

The floor’s yours.

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