DL Open Thread Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2024

Filed in Open Thread by on August 13, 2024 24 Comments

The Harris campaign has shown a talent for reducing Donald Trump to a sputtering fountain of rage, and never more so than when mocking him over crowd sizes – hers are bigger. It’s not entirely his ego at stake. His whole rationale for the Big Lie, that his enormous crowds mean he must have won, collapses if people stop showing up for his snoozefests.

A leaked memo revealed the strategy a pro-Trump PAC is going to spend $100 million promoting: Harris is soft on crime. Perhaps this will prompt the mainstream media to point out that violent crime is way down. Indeed, all the issues Trump whines about on are trending against him: Crime is down, inflation is easing and border crossings are falling. He’s finding out that running against reality is hard.

If a Republican has a thought in his head, does it die of loneliness? The Freedumb Caucus has only ever had one idea: threatening to shut down the government. They’re now saying they’ll do it again Sept. 30 because the Senate won’t pass its bill making it illegal for illegal immigrants to vote, which is, of course, already illegal and rarely happens. I’ve seen more political talent at Boys State.

The Elon Musk-Donald Trump Mutual Masturbation Society held its first meeting last night, and the participants took turns showing themselves to be idiots. First Musk’s Xitter broke down, just as it did when he tried this with Ron DeSantis, then Trump replayed his tired medley of greatest hits. But all anyone is talking about is that Trump apparently forgot to use his DentuGrip, making him sound like a sociopathic Sylvester the Cat. Hysterically, his spokesweasel denied that he was slurring his words. Hey, who ya gonna believe, Trump or your lying ears?

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Alby says:

    The NYT, WaPo and Politico are out today with their lame excuses for why they aren’t printing the documents allegedly hacked from the Trump campaign (there’s been no evidence that it wasn’t simply a disgruntled Trumper). This stands, of course, in marked contrast to how they treated Hillary Clinton’s hacked emails.

    The reason? Top editors – I’ve met quite a few – are by and large enormous cowards, and they shit themselves at the thought that a MAGAt might threaten their family. Fuck, they shit themselves at the thought that a reader might call them on the phone and complain about something. Most of those I worked for would hide under their desk rather than talk to an actual reader.

  2. MonteCristo says:

    “ “I consider the Lt. Governor a good friend, and I don’t question her integrity at all. I do think the system failed, and I do think the next Governor is going to have to have a massive reform agenda just to restore public confidence.”

    – Colin Omara. Champion for the working man and against the Delaware Way. A true game changer who came to fight the system.

    This guy is a tool. This is the WFP candidate? Give me a break. He’s just a chickenshit Sorkin ass fanboy who really wants to be President. Tough shit dr Doolittle. it turns out you’re just a fucking coward and not very good at politics to boot.

    • Rufus Y Kneedog says:

      That was incredibly weak and so disappointing. Even if he’s not really a BHL plant, he might as well be.

      • Jason says:

        True. If it walks like a duck.

      • Arthur says:

        Sheesh, i remember saying he was a plant solely to play spoiler and was told emphatically NO. He’s promised something better than DNREC sec. Maybe Sec of State?

        • MonteCristo says:

          Probably senate appointment if coons gets nominated to Secretary of State.

          Thankfully I don’t think we will need to worry about that. Given the bizarre letter her criminal defense attorney sent the elections department, and her very poor performance at the “debate” on WDEL, I’m not seeing the hallmarks of a campaign headed to victory. I see a floundering, angry, trapped rat.

          • Rufus Y Kneedog says:

            I disagree, I think we should be worried. If you didn’t know the backstory, you would have left thinking there were a few bookkeeping mistakes that were voluntarily disclosed, BHL is an ethical person, and Meyer is a disgusting creep for bringing it up. All more or less supported by O’Mara’s statement.
            This debate reminded me of the Chip Flowers / Sean Barney debate where Flowers, despite ethics complaints and pressure to step down, mopped the floor with Barney. Meyer was much better than Barney in the debate but it’s hard to make a point that disregarding campaign finance laws is a big deal when the other two people up there are saying its not.

            • MonteCristo says:

              And from the same guy who called for an independent special counsel the week before.
              He’s just a dishonest phony and always has been.

            • k says:

              Sure anyone could win.

              But what’s BHL’s campaign at this point? Where are her volunteers? Is there any canvassing? Phone banking?

              It’s a hail mary pass, relying on the Building Trades, who forced her to commit on paper to promise to make all construction work in Delaware Union, plus DSEA? Who’s going to drag her across the finish line?

              Her name recognition isn’t going to do it. Very few people know who the LT Gov is. And much of her “name recognition” is negative.

              But agree, Colin Omara is a joke.

              • Alby says:

                Doesn’t need a campaign. The conversation Jason related echoes several I’ve had. She’s had her name in the news for 20 years.

                You Meyer people are whistling past the graveyard.

          • Jason says:

            MonteCristo has some crazy wishful thinking. Maybe she floundering but I see nothing that doesn’t suggest she can’t flounder her way into office at this point.

            Not data, but I spoke to a voter yesterday and asked, who do you think you’ll vote for in the upcoming Democratic primary for Governor?

            Him: I wasn’t planning on voting but I suppose Bethany Hall Long if i do vote. She was a state senator. Although I saw an add for the other guy and he was a social studies teacher, so maybe him.

            Me: What about Hall Long’s controversies? The campaign finance stuff? That doesn’t bother you?

            Him: No. There is a controversy?

            Later I got a call and when he got home there was an anti-Hall Long mailer in his mailbox regarding the NRA.

            • Alby says:

              That’s incredibly stupid advertising. Giving money to the NRA is a selling point anywhere south of Robscott Manor.

              • Not if it’s targeted.

                And, remember, we’re talking D primary voters.

              • Alby says:

                So you think they’re targeting only those Democrats who would ding someone for supporting the NRA a decade ago, and skipping all the not-progressive Democrats of the sort who’d vote for BHL in the first place? I think you’re dreaming.

        • Alby says:

          I don’t see why he’d take a cabinet position when he’s got that hydrogen boondoggle to run. That’s an insider Democratic project so I’m sure he’ll be well-compensated, and a Meyer administration might not be willing to play along with it.

  3. “I don’t question her integrity at all.”

    It’s official–he’s angling for a cabinet post.

  4. paul says:

    Colin should never tie himself to Jack Markell. Jack, I hate you for what you did both to teachers and public education. And…you ran a false campaign in the entire run up to the Democratic primary, showing your true colors only after you won the Dem nomination. Fuck you, Jack, and Colin, if you’re running with Jack, fuck you too…

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