Delaware Liberal

Collin O’Mara Can Still Win IF…

Guest Post by the MoMo:

“It’s not too late” – me, an undecided voter.

This is a message to O’Mara, the candidate with the most to gain. Summer sucks the lifeblood from voter contact, paid and grassroots for all candidates. Speaking to officials and Party members and primary voters, the clear message is that it is not too late.

Acknowledge in your messaging that you’ve been unable to breakthrough the media blitz of bad behavior on all sides. Frame yourself as a ‘Policy not Politics’ type of leader. Capitalize on infighting. Point your finger at problems without being part of them. Continue highlighting the need for reform but be better at showing that you’re the one to do it — whether it’s campaign finance law or LEOBOR reform, everywhere these politicians have an issue you can have policy.

>Make quips about wanting a Governor who isn’t on the news every day but a Governor who is doing the job. The media should cover the issues, not just people causing them, etc.

Bolster your messaging with polling, but ask questions about voter opinions on other candidates, not just horse race questions. “X% of voters aren’t happy with Meyer and Hall-Long as options for Governor — and I’ve got good news.”

Let’s talk targets:

Text: All new D registrants since 2020. And I’m talking two-way texting with a question-based script not blast texting.

Call: D’s voting in primaries at least once in the last 4 cycles, D’s voting in at least 1 School Board or Referendum election in the last 4 years. Purchase a dialer. Must be over 30 to call.

Doors: Focus on Wilmington and MOT voters in line with the above.

Paid Ads: Target democratic/dem-lean viewers of non-cable video according to all of the above. With something other than the bad diaper video, please. Stop paying for social video and buy banner ads instead.

Don’t rely solely on democratic scoring or propensity to vote. You stand to benefit most from the education scores the party has now.

And most importantly, watch for the Harris-Walz data and mine it and use it to your advantage.

Here are your other tasks:

Emails. Buy some damn email lists and start promoting your sign-up. It’s not hard to find the candidates paying firms for their communications. It’s insane I haven’t gotten an email from you yet as a 100% voter under 40.

Bump your SEO and give money to Google. It’s dumb your campaign website doesn’t come up first and it’s easy to make it do so.

Events: Any  group more than 20 people is where you should be. Get the spouse on the stump spiel and get 4-5 other surrogates too.

O’Mara, people want to vote for you. We here on the blog may know enough to see campaign failures here. But we want to see policy success. It’s not too late for Harris, and it’s not too late for you.

Lest we forget, there were many a Never Matt Democrat before BHL, and there are many especially in the city, in unions, and below the canal who remain unwilling to bite the bullet and mark their ballots for him despite everything Bethany has done. Message yourself in a way that acknowledges both what you are not, and have not done, and what you could be. We don’t want to leave our ballots blank.

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