Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, August 16, 2024

Kamala’s Populist Agenda:

Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday unveiled an aggressively populist economic agenda, providing the most detailed vision yet of her governing priorities since becoming the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

Ahead of a speech in North Carolina, Harris’s campaign announced support for more than a dozen economic policies aimed at “lowering costs for American families,” including some that went beyond what President Biden had promised.

The most striking proposals were for the elimination of medical debt for millions of Americans; the “first-ever” ban on price gouging for groceries and food; a cap on prescription drug costs; a $25,000 subsidy for first-time homebuyers; and a Child Tax Credit that would provide $6,000 per child to families for the first year of a baby’s life.

The last item followed a suggestion earlier this month from J.D. Vance, the GOP vice-presidential nominee, that the credit be raised from $2,000 per child to $5,000. Harris is also calling for restoring the Biden administration Child Tax Credit that expired at the end of 2021, which raised the benefit for most families from $2,000 per kid to $3,000.

It’s not a great leap from ‘populist’ to ‘popular’.

Offshore Wind Companies Bet On Harris:

An Interior Department auction to lease federal waters for wind projects off the coasts of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia drew nearly $93 million in bids — an amount that appeared to quell nerves about the industry’s ability to withstand its political and economic headwinds.

While Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to carry Biden’s mantle on offshore wind, Trump has been vocally hostile to it, prompting concern that he could derail Democrats’ plans.

Trump has already pledged to sign an executive order “on Day One” targeting the offshore wind industry if he is elected to a second term.

Trump’s disdain for wind power stretches back to his fight against an offshore development in Scotland that he contended in legal challenges would spoil the views from a golf course he owns nearby. The U.K. Supreme Court rejected his claims in 2015, but the GOP presidential nominee has kept up his attacks on wind power, falsely claiming wind turbines don’t work, destroy property values, cause cancer and kill whales.

Oh, something he said at that no-question press conference yesterday?:

For more than 45 minutes at the top of what was billed as a press conference, Trump attacked Harris and revisited the economic proposals he talked about on Wednesday. Among his targets were green energy initiatives like electric vehicles and wind power.

“You want to see a bird cemetery? Just go under a windmill,” Trump said. “It’s a green scam.”

Everything he does is about him, and only him.

Ex-President Bone Spurs Does It Again.  Claims the Presidential Medal Of Honor he gave to a billionaire donor’s wife is ‘better than the Congressional Medal Of Honor’ because those recipients are either ‘riddled with bullets or dead’.    He’s truly proud of having avoided service.  Sickening stuff.  The good news?  This won’t play well.  For those w/o the time to watch the video:

Trump: I have to say Miriam … I watched Sheldon sitting so proud in the White House when we gave Miriam the Presidential Medal of Freedom … that’s the highest award you can get as a civilian. It’s the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor, but civilian version — it’s actually much better because everyone who gets the Congressional Medal, they’re soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead. She gets it and she’s a healthy beautiful woman …. And they’re rated equal…”

Cooler Buildings Using A Zig-Zag Pattern?  Sounds promising:

A research team led by Qilong Cheng at Columbia University in New York has developed a promising solution that could help reduce energy use, by redirecting the sun’s energy away from buildings.

Cheng’s team has proposed a structural wall design featuring a zigzag pattern that can reduce a building’s surface temperature by up to 3C compared with flat walls, without consuming any energy.

The design consists of walls with a series of protrusions that create a zigzag shape when viewed from the side.

This configuration takes advantage of radiative cooling – a passive cooling strategy that reflects sunlight and emits long-wave infrared radiation through the Earth’s atmosphere into outer space.

What do you want to talk about?

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