Delaware Liberal

How Low Will Brain-Dead John Carney Sink?

Cut-and-pasting this:


Thank you for everything you’ve done to support my campaign for Mayor.

Today, I wanted to send a different message. I’m urging you to support Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall-Long to be the next Governor for the State of Delaware.

Over the last several weeks, Bethany’s opponents have distorted the truth and misrepresented the facts about her record.

I know Bethany as well as anyone in public life. We’ve served together for 20 years. Bethany has the heart of a public servant, and will work tirelessly for the people of Delaware as our next Governor.

Together over the last eight years, Bethany and I have:

  • Invested in raises for educators and more funding for low-income students.
  • Turned a $400 million state budget deficit into a $500 million surplus.
  • Rebuilt our economy, creating more than 30,000 new jobs.

Bethany has been a real partner during my time as Governor. And I have full confidence that she is the right person to take on this job next.


Click here to donate to Bethany’s campaignand help beat back the distortions spread by her opponents. 

Thank you again for your support, and let’s go win on September 10th!


Bethany’s opponents apparently including the Department Of Elections, the Attorney General, the State Auditor, and members of the press.  In other words, honest people.

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