The Obligatory Democratic Convention Open Thread

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on August 19, 2024 6 Comments

What about the Convention do you want to talk about?

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  1. mediawatch says:

    Have already seen the DLGA ad for BHL 4 times — and I’m not glued to the TV and it’s only 8:30.

  2. Seriously? Biden didn’t go on until 11:30?

    Glad I didn’t stay up…

    • mediawatch says:

      Good speech, not great. The crowd loved it more than I did. Too many of Joe’s greatest hits. Too many lines that might keep the WaPo’s fact-checkers busy today.
      But he set the stage well for Kamala and they give him the sendoff he richly deserved.
      Most touching moment came at the end, standing on stage, surveying the crowd as he held his toddler grandchild’s hand, the patriarch seeming to urge younger generations that the future is in their hands.

  3. Jason says:

    Biden Speech: C- / D

    Sure he is a hero for doing what he did, but he STILL wanted to prove to everyone that he had the goods to beat Trump. (He doesn’t). So he yelled and yelled. Imagining that volume is the same as vigor. He seemed angry that people aren’t giving him credit for the cap on insulin. (they do give him that credit.) It all left me very relieved that Nancy Pelosi was able to do what she did. When the full history is written Pelosi is the real hero.

    • Andrew C says:

      Can’t argue here. It was a traditional stump speech with more mentions of Harris than before.

      The introduction from his daughter was actually lovely and emotional. Maybe my favorite part of the night.

      I stupidly stayed up and fought through allergies. Then I barely slept. Felt so awful this morning that I called out of work.

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